Sunday, 14 July 2013

THOUGHTS OF HH SHRI NATHJI (1902-1992) Founder of the World Prayer

A clean mirror gives a good image. The pure
heart reflects the Divinity of God; for even
though He is everywhere at all times, He is
always on the search for the pure heart that
will reflect His Divinity even as a clean
mirror provides a good image.

He cannot be seen by the naked eyes; He cannot be
revealed by Science or Philosophy; He is
found, neither in the mountains nor in the
depths of the oceans. He is found reflected
in the clean mirror of a pure heart.

Such a heart must not be torn by desire and
hatred nor must it be besmirched by the dirt
of this world; it must be free of pride.

It must be so pure as to attract the Creator
and make Him look into it again and again
and thereby adopt it as His own, and
decorate it by His reflection.

Such a heart gains from the Lord the greatest
gift that the Lord can give – the Lord

Monday, 8 July 2013


Life is passing away, every moment that
springs ahead passes on with the flow of this
never-ending stream of time like a bubble
being swept away by the current.
Who can tell what the next moment will

Will it appear as a bubble and then burst, or
will it not appear at all? Who can tell?
Numerous are the obstacles and pitfalls;
numerous, too, the things to be done, and
there is but little strength. With the rising of
the Sun ask thyself what the real goal of thy
life is.

Why hast thou come into this world?

How long will thou stay here and when wilt
thou leave?

If thou must leave for another town all thy
preparations will be made hours in advance.
Is it not surprising that thou leavest for
tomorrow the preparation for thy journey?

And this, too, when thou knowest full well
that the next moment will bring only
uncertainty. It may not come at all.

Hast thou so steeled thy heart that when the
time to leave comes, thou shalt have
sufficient strength to leave behind all that
thou hast loved?

Hast thou made up thy mind to not to leave
for tomorrow the question of the aim of thy

Saturday, 6 July 2013


HH Shri Nathji (1902-1992) The Founder of the World Prayer Day for Peace and Unity in the world:

"Man does not enjoy life.
For as long as he is living he is afraid of Death.
Therefore he loses the joy of living.

And when he is dying, he wishes to live,
Therefore he loses the joy of dying.

"If man can think of Life as one Order of God
And Death as another Order of God,
Then Life and Death shall crease to exist for him,
There will just be the Order of God, or the Will of God.

"If he can learn to be happy in the Will of God knowing that it is
always for his own upliftment, then he can be happy in both the states -in life as well as in Death."


HH Shri Nathji (1902-1992) Founder of the World Prayer Day, often narrated this story:

"When Alexander the Great was on his death-bed he expressed a very strange desire to his family and courtiers gathered inside his chambers.

'When you take out my funeral procession through the streets of the city then cover my entire body with a white sheet, but let my hands remain uncovered and hanging on either side of my body.

"I want the people of the world to look upon my hands and to see that the hands of Alexander the Great that sought to possess the entire wealth of the world, are today going away empty!"

So if Alexander the Great could not take anything with him when he left the world, then who amongst us will!

People who hanker after the wealth of the world must surely keep this in mind.


HH Shri Nathji's ( 1902-1992) antidote for worrying:

"Are you worrying in a situation that you can resolve or in a situation that you cannot resolve?

"If you can resolve it, then why are you worrying about it!

"And if you cannot resolve it, then what good will worrying do!

"So in either case, worry has no place to exist!"

"Do not allow worry to weaken you. Be strong.

"The solution to every problem lies in the problem itself. 3+3= 6. Where did the 6 come from? it came from 3+3."