Wednesday, 7 November 2012


I am always thrilled when Obama wins in the USA. His winning negates all of the prejudices of the past against the black Americans, and reveals the intrinsic goodness of the Americans.

If they can elect someone called Barrack Husein Obama as the president of the USA, then indeed Americans have risen over their own selves. It is a victory against notions of white supremacy, racial prejudice and religious bigotry.

I congratulate Obama, but more than that, I congratulate the Great American people. History will remember this gesture of greatness of the American voters.

This greatness could only have been manifested when Obama was faced with a powerful white contender like Mitt Romney who put up a fine battle, and thus gave birth to this greatness by losing gracefully and creating history.

A toast to the Great American People and the American Election and the new American President, Obama, and the contender, Mitt Romney without whom this would not have been possible!

As they would be saying in India today

"Barrack Husein Obama - Zindabad!
Barrack Husein Obama - May He Live Long!"

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