Saturday, 1 August 2015


With the society everywhere becoming more and more materialistic and more money minded, contentment has become somewhat of an "outdated" word!
As a spiritual counselor I have all kinds of people coming to me -- asking me to pray for them that they get a good house, a good job, a good car, a lot of wealth, success in business etc. etc., and all the material comforts of life.
When I tell them to try and be content with what they have and not lose their peace of mind in seeking what they do not have, they are bewildered, and though they may nod their heads in agreement their hearts do not want to be content.
Out of the scores of people who have come to me there was only one lady who brought her son and said to me:
"Please pray for him so that he grows up to be a good person!"
A group of students asked me: "If we are content with what we have then will it not halt our progress?"
And I said to them: "No, on the contrary it will speed up your progress. Because when you are content,your mind is at peace, and when you are at peace within, then you can do your work doubly well. For example you cannot carry out a complex computer problem if your mind is disturbed! You may even do something wrong that will lead you to get fired from your job! But with a calm and peaceful mind you can work much better and more efficiently --- and progress will follow you quite naturally!! So progress is a natural consequence of contentment!"
I also added: "Rather than look upon those who are better off than you and become discontent, it would be far better if you looked upon those who are in a worse position than you, and be content and thankful for what you possess!"
If you have a thousand rupees in your pocket and people think you have a million, that will not make you a millionaire. If people think you have nothing, that will not make you a pauper.
So rather than worry about "what people will think", it would be better if you remain content and happy in your situation with whatever you possess! After all it is your life and your happiness.

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