I live up here in the Himalayas and know what it is like to be in the midst of an earthquake of even mild intensity. There is no place to run out to, because there are mountains all around which are coming down in avalanches on any space that you can find.
In the cities in the plains, if there is an earthquake people run out of their homes into the wide open roads and parks and save themselves from any buildings that are falling.
But not so in the mountains where not only are the buildings falling but there is no open space outside except the roads that run alongside the mountains- on which the mountains are collapsing.
The Himalayas are in the North of India, and happen to be in the midst of two gigantic "tectonic plates" underground, below the crust of the earth. And these two gigantic tectonic plates have been crashing into each other every few years, so that the Himalayas have been declared a danger zone for earthquakes.
An earthquake of intensity 4 or 5 on the richter scale is enough to make you dizzy and give you the feeling the room is spinning around. An earthquake of richter scale 6 is when you hit the danger point and houses are on the verge of collapse.
This time the earthquake that hit the Himalayas, situated in Nepal above India, had an intensity of richter scale 7.9!!! This came after 80 years.
This has practically reduced the whole of Nepal to rubble. As of today the dead have been counted as 1500, but as the rubble and rocks and bricks are being lifted, far greater figures of the death toll will be coming.
The Earthquake that hit Nepal this morning April 25, 2015 rocked the whole of North India and shook many cities. The people who died in the Indian cities were about 50 as of the counting right now.
"Seismic Experts" or Earthquake Experts garble a lot of scientific talk without anybody clearly explaining anything. Will this Earth recur? The after shocks have run into about 30 or so. But can a major earthquake hit any part of India or the Himalayas again? No one seems to know and people are not interested in their technical knowledge which the experts probably do not understand themselves.
Who can predict the course of Mother Nature, and its whims and fancies!
I remember when I had freshly returned from Harvard as a nuclear physicist, my father, HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992), a great spiritual luminary of his time, said to me in his usual kind and humble way:
I did not understand his words fully then, but now when I see how helpless mankind is with all its economic and technical progress to stop an earthquake, I understand.
I am still living here in the Himalayas in the midst of this imminent danger of another impending earthquake, fully confident that my Father is looking after me in Spirit Form as God and I am under His care and protection.
Yet, if it be the Divine Will that my part upon the planet earth is over, I welcome it because I know I will simply go to be with my Father forever.
The internet connection which is flimsy always, is bound to break off many times as these earthquake jerks continue, and I may not be in communication with you at times.
My Dear Friends, please let me tell you that I have appreciated your love and friendship, and shall always keep you in my heart wherever I may be.
IF I return to my pages on Facebook you will know I am OK, but if I dont, then I shall merely say goodbye in the words of the American Folk Singer which keep ringing in my ears for some reason these days:
"If you miss the train I'm on,
You will know that I am gone,
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles....."
You will know that I am gone,
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles....."
I give below a picture of myself sitting along with my Father in New Delhi a long time ago when he was in his physical frame and I know this is how we shall be in the after-life, if I am not here.
Please join me in offering prayers to the departed souls and those still to be reported as departed.
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