Thoughts of my Father, H.H. Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) a Great Spiritual Luminary of His time who gave peace and beatitude to countless folk relieving them of their ills and sorrows and who called himself The Servant of the Earth. His writings still give peace to mankind and show people the way to a peaceful life. Below are small extracts from his teachings.
In this hectic world of today where we are plagued by worries and the rat race of materialistic life, we need something short which will remain within our minds and hearts and give us peace of mind.
Here are some points that will be of Great Help:
1. Always remember this life is a temporary journey which will come to an end one day. When we get into the train of life there are others who are present before us-- they are our parents and other relatives. As the train proceeds onward, more people get inside the train. These are the relationships that we make in life later on. As the train proceeds further, many get off in our presence, and in the end we get off in the presence of others. This is Life.
2. That it is important that the destination be good. If you travel in the first class with all its luxuries but the destination is going to be bad, then the entire journey is wasted. But if you travel in the third class with discomfort and you know the destination is going to be good, then the troubles of the journey become of no consequence.
3. That the history of the world shows that billions have come into this world and have gone away. Even those who are present before us are leaving the world one by one. Therefore it is certain that we too have come into this world only to go away.
4. That whatever comes before us, whether it is happiness or sorrow, it shall pass away with time. Let us not be affected too much by either sorrow or joy, because both have come only to go away.
5. That too much attachment to the things of the world can only lead to grief and sorrow. This is because nothing in the world is permanent and all things and people are perishable.
6. You take a beautiful flower in your hand, and before you know it, the flower fades away before your eyes and breaks your heart.
7. That sorrow is like the dark winter night and the little happiness that we find in the world is like the twinkling stars that exist in this ocean of darkness.
8. There is the ultimate sorrow that lies in wait for all of us -- Death. Separation from loved ones and every other material possession we loved.
9.Live your life like you would live out a journey in a train , knowing that you have boarded the train only to leave it. No one boards the train to stay permanently in the train. No one comes into this world to stay here forever. He comes here only to leave it.
10.Remember Death always and also remember God, who has created Life as well as Death and who is your ultimate destination after the journey of life is over.
11. Let God be your Real Companion in this journey of life who will not only make the journey peaceful but who will take you to His Eternal Home which is the Real Destination of Life.
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