Wednesday, 26 June 2019


On this women's international day I would like to voice a few thoughts, as this is of special importance to India and Indians, apart from the whole world.
My Father, HH Shri Bhola Nathji, had a great respect for women and always quoted the Hindu scriptures where they showed respect to women by writing:
Radhey- Krishna
Laxmi- Narayana
Always the name of the Goddess was placed before the name of the God.
He also used to say: "If God is an Ocean of Love then He has given one drop of this ocean to the mother and to no one else."
The unselfish Love of the mother for her child reveals the unselfish love of God for man. The mother wants nothing from her child but only wishes to love him and to protect him.
The same is true for God, who wants nothing from man but only wishes to love him and protect him.
When a child leaves his mother and runs after his toys, his mother lets him do so for as long as he is enjoying himself.
But when the toys break or when he is hungry, the child cries for his mother-- and his mother comes running.
It is the same with God. When he gives man the material things of the world, He is happy to see him enjoy himself. But when the same material prosperity is taken away from man, then God comes and gives Himself.
When a mother gives absolute freedom to the child and lets him roam where he will, the child at first enjoys himself but soon thereafter is frightened by insects, beasts, unkindly children. He is all at once afraid and wonders what this freedom was meant form.
In his fear of the world around him he rushes back to the lap of his mother and sits there in peace, and fearlessly dares the insects and the beasts and unfriendly children from coming close to him.
This is real freedom for the child-- to come and sit in the lap of the mother.
This is real freedom for man -- to come and sit in the refuge of God, and not to leave Him for the temptations of the world which very soon assume a frightening and dreadful face.
Health gives way to disease, richness gives way to poverty, friends turn into foes, your own mind ceases to work. Nothing seems to be going your way.. and then you are forced to return to the very God you had forgotten in the pleasures of the world and to find peace in Him, not only in this world but also in the world to come.
Either you come to God directly or you come to God through the sufferings the world gives you.
And then it is up to His Mercy and your karmas whether God gives you refuge in Himself or not.
Priya Nath Mehta
S/o, HH Shri Bhola Nathji

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