Yesterday Night, Rama Taman, the wife of Sharad Taman of Amravati in Maharashtra left the world. Both of them were staunch devotees of HH Shri Bhola Nathji and myself.
Yesterday Night, Rama Taman, the wife of Sharad Taman of Amravati in Maharashtra left the world. Both of them were staunch devotees of HH Shri Bhola Nathji and myself.
Before leaving the world she had just one wish in her heart and that was
to come and pay her obeisances to the Holy Place here and to visit me.
And she kept on taking my name again and again for several days before
she left the world in a hospital.
However her wish was fulfilled in Death, even as she came over in Spirit form and paid her obeisances.
She was the gentlest and most amicable wife anyone would want in the world, one who never complained, never disagreed, never argued, but continued with her duties as a housewife as cheerfully as she could.
She did not leave the world empty-handed as most people do, for she had had the privilege of serving God upon Earth with her own hands for three months in the year 1987, when she cooked food for HH Shri Bhola Nathji, my father.
That cooking service was her earning for the next world, an earning that would take her to the holiest of heavens, where illnesses and troubles would never touch her, and where she would remain for time immemorial.
Her husband Sharad Taman, is convinced of this, and so am I and many others.
There is no need for anyone to pray for peace to her soul as she is showering peace down upon the earth in her invisible form, on all her relatives and loved ones and all others.
This is the truth of life that everyone forgets in the rat race of the materialistic world, that out of the precious moments of your life, the only moments that really earn you anything for the next world, are the moments you have spent in the Service of God.
In the photograph of 1987 below where the Taman family were washing the feet of my father, HH Shri Bhola Nathji, with myself sitting next to him. -- there is Rama Taman in a red saree sitting on the ground with her husband and in-laws.
However her wish was fulfilled in Death, even as she came over in Spirit form and paid her obeisances.
She was the gentlest and most amicable wife anyone would want in the world, one who never complained, never disagreed, never argued, but continued with her duties as a housewife as cheerfully as she could.
She did not leave the world empty-handed as most people do, for she had had the privilege of serving God upon Earth with her own hands for three months in the year 1987, when she cooked food for HH Shri Bhola Nathji, my father.
That cooking service was her earning for the next world, an earning that would take her to the holiest of heavens, where illnesses and troubles would never touch her, and where she would remain for time immemorial.
Her husband Sharad Taman, is convinced of this, and so am I and many others.
There is no need for anyone to pray for peace to her soul as she is showering peace down upon the earth in her invisible form, on all her relatives and loved ones and all others.
This is the truth of life that everyone forgets in the rat race of the materialistic world, that out of the precious moments of your life, the only moments that really earn you anything for the next world, are the moments you have spent in the Service of God.
In the photograph of 1987 below where the Taman family were washing the feet of my father, HH Shri Bhola Nathji, with myself sitting next to him. -- there is Rama Taman in a red saree sitting on the ground with her husband and in-laws.
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