Wednesday, 26 June 2019


From the thoughts of HH Shri Bhola Nathji, a Great Spiritual Luminary in whom people saw the Glory of God and who gave peace and beatitude to countless folk, relieving them of their ills and sorrows.
It is said that God is within every person. Then why is it that every person cannot see the God within Himself or even feel His presence there?
The answer is simple:
Your Heart or your Soul is like the Cinema Screen of a Cinema Hall. On the Screen is displayed God in all His Glory,
Now suppose all the windows of the Cinema Hall are open, and the sunlight is coming into the hall from the outside. What will you see on the screen? Nothing. The picture will disappear due to the external light.
What is the Cinema Hall? Your human body, the human heart.
What are its windows? The five senses of the human body that sense the world around itself.
Why are these windows always open? Because of the desires in your mind that attract you to the things of the world, which you see, feel and touch and enjoy to your heart's content. And which also bring much sorrow in their wake.
So with so many windows of desires opening into the outer world, the images of the outside world bring in the images from outside which opens up the heart and soul to the outside world so much, that the image of God within your heart and soul disappears! There is only the world and its desires and sorrows.
If you wish to see the God within you, then try to shut out the windows of desire that bind you to the outside world, not for a few minutes, or hours, but for all time, and then see and feel the presence of the God within you.
It is very difficult, you will say. But then when even worldly things are so hard to attain then how can it be a child's play to attain God?
Pray to Him to shut out the windows of your desires, to detach your mind from the things of the perishable world and to attach it to Himself forever.
In the ultimate analysis He will allow the pictures of the world also to remain inside you but make them more beautiful with His Presence within.
Keep HH Shri Nathji's photo in front of you and pray before it with earnestness and He will reveal Himself to you in your heart and make your world more beautiful.

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