When will man ever understand that he is living as a guest in the house of his Host who is God?
It is very difficult to deny the existence of Him without which nothing would exist.
If God did not create the world, then who did? Was it you?
If you say the world has always existed all by itself then what is the harm in saying that God has existed since eternity all by Himself and He created the world?
But alas! In the rat race of the materialistic world, man has forgotten God. He desires the things of the world- but is there anyone who desires God for the sake of God? No.
Prayers and incantations have become mere lip utterances, with the materialistic world becoming the Real God of people.
And the more God gives you of the material world, the more you forget Him. This is how you thank God for His Kindness- by forgetting him altogether.
HH Shri Bhola Nathji explained this beautifully in a parable of his own making:
"An atheist, was aboard a ship. He had everything in life. Health, wealth, children, houses and cars and a good status. And this had made him say: "GOD IS NOWHERE!" because he did not need God and God meant nothing for him.
The ship was hit by a terrible storm and trembled and shook and rocked from side to side in the waters, ready to sink.
The atheist panicked and asked for help from other passengers in the ship as well as the captain. And then even tried to hold the railing of the ship to halt the fierce rocking of the ship in the storm.
When nothing was of any avail, he turned his eyes upwards and looked at the cloud filled skies, which said "GOD IS NOWHERE" and he cried out loud in a scream of agony:
" O God! Please stop the storm! Get my ship across! After that you may choose to exist or not to exist!"
His ego was completely shattered and he was reduced to a zero.
Quite suddenly the clouds parted. The W moved away from the HERE and joined up with the NO and new words were formed in the skies that said: "GOD IS NOW HERE!"
The storm subsided and and the ship and the atheist got across.The atheist prostrated himself before God.
This CORONA VIRUS is like that storm through which God shall reveal Himself to save the world -- so that man can say

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