Ghulam Rue Zameen
Shri Nathji had always called himself
Ghulam Rue Zameen, which meant the
Servant of the Earth, or more correctly, the
Slave of all of Mankind. Shri Nathji would
frequently say:
“ I used to call myself a servant before, but
then I thought that a servant is one who can
resign! I, therefore made myself a slave,
because a slave is one who cannot resign!”
Shri Nathji said:
“Is there anyone in the world who will agree
to be with you all the time–be at your beck
and call each and every moment of the day
and night, and be there even when you are
“And not only be there, but be ever ready to
look after you all the time, to save you and
protect you, to answer whenever you call out
to him, and be present even when you
cannot call out to him?
“Further he must not only be with you, he
must also be All Powerful so that he can
save you from all the troubles of life.
“Even if you were to establish a relationship
with a powerful King, he would not deign to
be with you all the time, or to be your
constant companion for your benefit, or to
be at your beck and call, like a slave.
“On the contrary, the more powerful a
person is, the less inclined he would be to
act as your constant companion. He would
be too proud.
“No one in the whole world can be with you
all the time–not even your own body. When
you are asleep, even your body leaves you.
If a snake were to bite you, the body would
not even be aware of it.
“Yes there is no one in the whole world who
will accept the responsibility of being with
you all the time with the sole purpose of
protecting you and giving you help. Only he
will do this who has come into the world
with only this purpose. Yes, he can be only
Ghulam Rue Zameen–the Servant of the
“The air is your servant; it serves you all the
time without ever asking anything in return.
If the air were to start demanding a price for
every breath that you take, no one would be
able to afford it.
“The sun is your servant; it rises when your
eyes open and sinks when it is time for you
to rest. The earth is your slave; it allows you
to place your feet upon it all the time. The
forces of Nature serve you each and every
“Therefore, He, who created the forces of
Nature, must be the Greatest Servant of
There was Shri Nathji's Persian Verse,
which described the above situation
Yaareen beguzeen ke bevafaayi na kunad
Dil khastaa turaa dar aashnaayi na kunad
Paibastaa dar aagoshe kinaarat gar dard
Hargiz zato yak gaam judaayi na kunad
Make such a friend in life who will not
betray thee,
Who will not break thy heart in love,
Who will ever be by thy side
And never separate from thee for even a

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