When God first created the world He filled it with Beings of Light, people with righteousness and goodness, humility, selflessness,and gratitude.
Being Great, God gave man a Free Will with which to act and think.
But unfortunately sin entered into the heart of man, and despite the efforts of God to eradicate this sin, it continued to live on with the earth since its creation, and people went on a materialistic path with greed, selfishness, cruelty, and an insatiable appetite for wealth and status.. which revealed itself repeatedly over the years in wars and conflicts, hatred and violence...evil men began to rule the roost.
To stem this rot, God sent his saints, sages, prophets and Saviours into the world to show to the world what real righteousness and goodness was, to try and reform the world and to rid it of sin.
All these Great Saviours of mankind were persecuted by a cruel world full of evil men and left the world in sad circumstances.
Though places of worship were made in honour of these Great Saviours, yet none of the followers strictly followed their edicts and commandments.
No one really believed in the Kingdom of God to come, nor did they accept the fact that this life was a temporary sojourn and their real home was elsewhere.
Everyone lived in this world as if he was going to live here permanently and perpetuate himself through his offsprings upon the planet earth who would carry his lineage and his habits through generations.
And it was thus that sin passed on from generation to generation till it became a permanent feature of man who learnt to live with it and to accept it as his own.
The Corona Virus is like that sin which has come into the world to reveal to man his own helplessness in the face of a small invisible enemy, and may be passed on from generation to generation, just like sin.
Just like God sent his Saviours into the earth to save it from sin, so has God sent His Medical Scientists into this world to save it from the virus.
But the latest dismal news that is coming from the scientific world is that a vaccine may never be found for the virus, and that it may be passed from generation to generation -- and that man would have to live with it. Just like he learnt how to live with sin after disobeying God's Messengers upon earth.
It may still not be too late if only man introspects and introspects and tries to free his mind of the sin which comes from too much attachment to the material world, forgetting God and Goodness.
Repentance may yet be the antidote.

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