Sunday, 30 September 2012


 We have heard of people defending their own faiths, but we have never heard of someone defending ALL FAITHS of the world as if they were his own.

Yes, there was Shri Nathji defending the Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews and Sikhs etc, all of whom he considered to belong to him, and all of whom he defended with equal faith.

When he was visiting the Colosseum at Rome, the ruins of the amphitheater in which the Romans of that age through the early Christians to the lions, he stood there silently in homage to those who had suffered and died for their faith.

When someone said to Shri Nathji:

"These believers in Christ were thrown to the lions, but he did not come to save them!"

Shri Nathji replied:

"He had already saved them. That is why they had the courage to march into the lions."

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