Wednesday, 19 September 2012



Amongst the older, tolerant religions, of the world there is Zorastrianism, and its followers are known as Zorastrians. They are known in India by the name of Parsis.

Zorastrianism was the prime religion of Persia much before the coming of Islam. But afterwards when Islam spread throughout the Middle East, and came to Persia, ( now known as Iran) the Zorastrians wer
e persecuted and decimated, and had to flee from their homeland. Most of them took refuge in India which welcomes people of all faiths to its shores.

Today the Parsis are amongst the most respected , most intellectual and most honest and hard working communities in India. Mr. Ratan Tata is one of the leading industrialists of the land and amongst the richest in the world. Sadly because they do not proselytise and because they inter-marry liberally their numbers are dwindling.

Zoraster was the prophet of this great religion. It believes in Ahura Mazda, the Creator, God, who is a force of goodness and light in the world, and it also believes in Ahriman, the force of evil and darkness in the world. For the greater part the teachings of Zorastrianism contain righteousness, charity,hard work, honesty and everything that is good and noble in the world, on par with all the great religions of the world.

In Parsi Temples there is a Flame, a Fire, that represents Ahura Mazda, God, the Eternal Source of Light.

There was a time in Calcutta in 1942 when two Parsis came to see HH Shri Nathji., Mr. Homi.S. Karai and Justice Nanavati.

Even as they sat before Shri Nathji and he spoke to them they saw a Flame in the place where Shri Nathji was sitting! Shri Nathji had often said that he belonged to people of all faiths and each saw in him their own reflection.

They developed intense faith and devotion in Shri Nathji thereafter and came to see him for years afterwards.

When Homi S. Karai's mother was about to die of Cancer he wept before Shri Nathji - and she was miraculously cured. He would always say to Shri Nathji : "You saved my mother! I shall never ask anything else of you again for as long as I live!" And he never did. His devotion remained firm without his asking for anything.

HH Shri Nathji would speak of the legendary "Paras Patthar" The Philosopher's Stone which was said to turn anything it touched into Gold.

Shri Nathji would refer to Parsis as being like "Paras" - meaning having golden qualities within their hearts.

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