Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Who is Free


1. You are free when you are free of Hatred, Greed and Selfishness, which are the products of the materialistic rat race of today.

2. You are free when you are free of religious bigotry which is dividing the human race.

3. You are free when you can worship God in the manner you choose and not in the manner dictated to you by anyone else.

4. You are free when you are good for the
sake of being good, and not good for the sake of the reward of going to heaven or the fear of going to hell.

5. You are free when you are not bound down by any political dogmas and can forsake a political idea when you think it is going wrong.

6. You are free when you have the courage to question even your own peers, padres, pandits and mullahs about things that you cannot understand in your own religious texts.

7. You are free when you are free of the fears of blasphemy and eternal damnation, not being clear in your mind what these things mean anyway, and being reminded of the horrors of the Inquisition,

8. You are free when you can love those who hate you, even those who accuse you of blasphemy.

9. You are free when you know you are not "holier than anyone else", in the traditional "holier than thou" attitude of most bigots who think they are especially favored by God.

10. You are free when you can see, feel and hear the voice of God within yourself, even in the absence of a Temple, Church or Mosque.

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