Tuesday, 25 September 2012


HH Shri Nathji was renowned for the manner in which he could explain complex spiritual philosophy themes with simple examples.

This is how he explained re-incarnation.

Imagine an author writing a story. He writes and writes until he has used up one pen. He puts away that pen and takes up another pen, and he continues writing until even that pen is used. Then he takes up a third pen and continues the writing of the prose. He goes on changing pens, taking up newer ones until all the chapters in his story are complete.

And when the prose is complete, he puts down the last pen and rests.

This is reincarnation. The soul takes up one body after another discarding one body and taking up another until at last the prose of its life is complete - and then it rests eternally in salvation, never to take birth again upon this earth or anywhere else in the Universe where there is life.

This is the story of the evolution of the human soul as it passes through numerous experiences in the numerous births and lives with numerous people all over the globe, passing through sorrows and joys, going forwards sometimes and sliding backwards sometimes in this process of evolution.

Ultimately going towards a better and better understanding of the meaning of human existence - and knowing that Love is the ultimate experience in life and that God is the Fountainhead of Love, towards whom the human soul had been evolving, and who is the Final Attraction which is pulling all souls towards itself.

The essence of reincarnation lies in the purification of the human soul -- when it passes through hundreds and thousands of births, going through sorrows and sufferings, joys and happiness, love and wars, it finally becomes purified of all sins, all faults.

And in that pure state it finally enters into the Kingdom of God and rests there forever to be with the Source, God, from which the soul had come.

Indeed when worldly things are so difficult to attain how much more difficult would reaching the Kingdom of God be! And how great the qualification required for it!

One lifetime is not even enough to acquire a mastery of playing the violin! One life time is not even enough to master any science or any subject in the world, so how much more difficult would it be for the soul to learn the meaning of life in one life only. Therein lies the reason for reincarnation.

It is like studying in a college or school. Going to higher and higher classes after passing many tests. And remaining in the same class if one fails! And ultimately passing out of the college with a degree.

Why do we go to the college? Only to pass out of it and to leave it forever. We dont go to a college to keep studying forever or to remain in the college forever.

In a like manner the soul passes through many trials and tribulations and many tests in successive lives until it has passed out with perfect marks, and then joins God and becomes One with Him.

But God may, in His intense Love and Mercy, free man of the bondage of births and deaths and reincarnation and bring him to himself after purifying him of all his sins due to his faith and devotion in God and his righteousness in the world.

Wealth and status and power are no qualifications at all. What are valued as virtues in the Kingdom of God are love and peace, humility, selflessness, forgiveness, service, compassion for humanity, faith and devotion and all that is noble and good.

If one has all these virtues then he will surely reach God in the end even if he has been an atheist in life. He will pass out of the College of Reincarnation with flying marks and never return.

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