I know this article
may sound bizzare to some extent but it hits out at a reality that we all have
to face one day.
The fact is that we
have come into this world only to go away. History speaks of the millions who
have come into this world and have gone. So if they did not remain it is
certain that we will not too.
So each one of us has
this "doomsday" facing him- death, due to any cause, old age,
disease, accidents etc. There are about 7 billion people in the world today and
each one is marked with death. So there will be 7 billion people leaving the
Let us look at the
companions, friends and near and dear loved ones who are with us - they are all
destined to leave this world as are we.
How is it that even
though death is in the midst of us, and every day we read of people leaving the
world, that we are not conscious of it?
Maybe if we were more
conscious of the approaching separation we would grow to love and appreciate
our companions and loved ones even more.
We would be less
concerned about material success in the world, about owning houses and cars and
wealth and prosperity, acquiring status and renown.
We would be conscious
of the things we would want to be remembered for after we have left the world
-- and these things would certainly not be houses, cars, plush dwellings,
material possessions, six figure salaries, status and power.
We would want to be remembered
for the love given and the love received, we would want to be remembered for
the help we gave to others in need and for the suffering we could ease in the
We would want to be
remembered for our Faith in God and the manner in which we had helped make His
creation more beautiful and more full of love and peace.
So if celebrating
"Doomsday" makes us remember all these things then let us get
together on the 21st of December 2012, the purported Doomsday that will not be,
and remember what is worth remembering before the world really comes to an end
for us.
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