Monday, 17 December 2012


 Every person in the world has his own views on Doomsday, whether it will come or not, and every person has his own beliefs and logic to back up his views. I respect the views of all while giving my own here.

In my view the concept of a Doomsday is not compatible with the concept of a Loving and Forgiving God.

Granted that man has committed many sins. But would that be reason enough for a Loving God to send down doom upon him as a form of retribution? Another word for retribution is revenge.
And according to me I cannot ascribe the feeling of revenge to a loving God.

Consider a mother who sees her child playing in the mud against her wishes. When she sees him drowning in the mud puddle does she simply let him drown for being disobedient? Or does she rush there to clasp the child to her bosom, mud and all?

So if a mother cannot have it in her heart to allow her child to perish for his "sinfulness", I cannot imagine how a Loving God who is said to be Benevolent and All Merciful, in fact the Source of all Love and Mercy, would wreak havoc upon his children upon earth howsoever sinful.

As far as Science is concerned, it sees no imminent signs of any celestial calamity, which it can usually predict with scientific precision.

Science does postulate however that after billions of years the Universe will cease to expand and then will fall back upon itself in a massive implosion that will set off another fiery big bang explosion which will result in another creation of another Universe.

I know there are many preachers who thrive on the fears of a Doomsday to convert people, and I can see them striding back and forth on the stage with a microphone held close to their mouths calling upon all sinners to repent before brimstone and fire falls upon them from the skies.

As a passenger said to his Taxi Driver who was driving recklessly on the streets of New York:

"You must have scared the hell out of more people than my local minister!"

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