Wednesday, 26 December 2012


Here is an ancient Persian Verse which when translated goes :

"The Time of Life passed away,
The good and the bad, passed away,
All that was beautiful and all that was ugly passed away!
Woe unto thee O Tormentor!
The torment that thou unleashed upon me,
Has passed over my head,
And fallen around thy own!."

People who perpetrate torment upon others may think that they have escaped retribution for a while.

But there is an inexorable law of Nemesis, inevitable in Creation itself, which says in a silent, unspoken manner, "Thou shallt reap what thou sow!"

And invariably the Law is seen to act. It has been defined by scientists also in other terms as Newtons Law -
"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!"

When a rock is hurled in the sky it inevitably comes down and hits the man who hurled it upwards. Yes, it may take some time for the rock to return, depending on how high it has been hurled.

Some misunderstand this time gap and believe they have gone scot free after their crime - but the longer the rock takes to come back the harder it is going to hit and the greater the punishment.

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