Every few years, the
Pakistan Army appears to be afflicted by an itch. It is probably an itch for a
masochistic kick in its pants. And when it gets this itch, it does the only
thing it has been taught to do - it attacks Indian soldiers unprovoked.
Very recently the
Pakistan Army shot dead two Indian soldiers walking in Indian territory. Not
being content with the shooting, they lept upon the bodies of the soldiers and
defiled and mutilated them in a horrible manner-- cutting off the head of one
of the soldiers and taking it with them to Pakistan. And all this in the 21st
While the family
members of the dead Indian soldier weep for the head of their dearly departed
beloved, the Pakistani's are not even bothering to return the head - and are
brazenly denying that the incident ever happened!! This is another itch that
the Pakistan army has - the itch to tell lies openly and brazenly.
The Indian Army on
the other hand has a record of perfect gentlemanly behaviour during and after a
war, sticking to the rules of the Geneva Convention.
In 1971 over 90,000
Pakistani soldiers had been caught by the Indian Army after being defeated in
war. Not only were the prisoners treated with dignity but they were returned
back to Pakistan unharmed and in good health.
It appears that for
each good act of the Indian Army, known for its gentleness, the Pakistani's
respond with unprecedented brutality.
Even now the Indian
Army has acted with remarkable restraint despite the fact that tempers are running
high at this brutal killing of their soldiers.
What is the matter
with Pakistan? Why does it do all this? The general consensus is that the
Pakistani army wishes to make its presence felt on the civilian government that
runs their country, and each little provocation on the Indian border becomes
another feather in its cap.
Ultimately of course
the Pakistani Army kicks out the civilian governments and takes over. They
stand unique in history in hanging one of their own Prime Ministers, Zulfiqar
Ali Bhutto.
But if its another
kicking that the Pakistani Army is looking for, then this time the Indian Army
has a long boot, and they might not be in a mood to let off the Pakistani Army
with just a light kick.
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