Tuesday, 1 January 2013


India is a land where almost all the Hindus worship Lord Krishna as God Incarnate and thousands of temples are erected across the land to worship him.

People know Lord Krishna to be God because he revealed Himself to be God in a massive revelation, written down in the Holy Geeta of the Hindus, in which the Lord showed that he was limitless and All powerful, Beyond Space and time, saying: "Behold! I am God without a beginning and without an end!" - as the entire Cosmos, all of space and time, all of creation and existence unfolded itself before the eyes of the beholder.

His miracles abounded as he healed countless suffering souls and raised many from the dead, as the melodies of his flute spread peace and love into the hearts of people, and as tears flowed down from his eyes for the sorrows of the world.

People still worship the Mountain, Mount Gobardhan which he lifted with his little finger to save a township from a terrible storm, and which was just one amongst his awesome miracles upon earth.

Invincible, and valiant, he was chivalrous to the extreme and respect and venerated womankind. His love story with his devotee and beloved, Radhe is immortalized in all the temples of India.


India is a land where almost all the Hindus worship Lord Krishna as God Incarnate and thousands of temples are erected across the land to worship him.

People know Lord Krishna to be God because he revealed Himself to be God in a massive revelation, written down in the Holy Geeta of the Hindus, in which the Lord showed that he was limitless and All powerful, Beyond Space and time, saying: "Behold! I am God without a beginning and without an end!" - as the entire Cosmos, all of space and time, all of creation and existence unfolded itself before the eyes of the beholder.

His miracles abounded as he healed countless suffering souls and raised many from the dead, as the melodies of his flute spread peace and love into the hearts of people, and as tears flowed down from his eyes for the sorrows of the world. 

People still worship the Mountain, Mount Gobardhan which he lifted with his little finger to save a township from a terrible storm, and which was just one amongst his awesome miracles upon earth.

Invincible, and valiant, he was chivalrous to the extreme and respect and venerated womankind. His love story with his devotee and beloved, Radhe is immortalized in all the temples of India.

Yet far from asking people to love him, Lord Krishna would say:

"I love those who love each other more than I love those who love me!"

"He who sees me in everyone and everyone in me is never separate from me nor I from him!"

"Setting aside all other paths, seek thou a refuge in me!"

People offer prayers to him and get the answers they are seeking and feel his love and compassion come down to them and believe salvation to be a final union with him.

But there is an aspect of Lord Krishna which people here appear to have forgotten or not paid much attention to -- and which is so important in the context of the rape of women going on in the land.

There was a time when Lord Krishna waged war against one of the most evil kings of that time, Jarasandha. The man had plundered and pillaged many a kingdom.

It was said that he and his armies had imprisoned and raped several women over the years, all of who were rotting in his fortresses and prisons.

Lord Krishna heard of the plight of the imprisoned women and waged war against Jarasandha and defeated him. Thereafter he set the women free.

However the women told him that they were all going to drown themselves in the sea because they had been raped and dishonored by Jarasandha and his men. 

Raped women were looked down upon as "fallen women" and no one would even come near them far less think of marrying them. In fact their entire lives were ruined, to be lived in ignominy and disgrace. So they had decided to commit mass suicide.

Lord Krishna who was the living epitome of Love and Compassion and venerated women could not bear to see the women kill themselves.

In an unprecedented gesture, Lord Krishna declared that he was marrying all of them! That henceforth he would be known as their husband and that they would live in settlements that he would make for their habitation close to his palace. 

And a mass marriage ceremony was performed, which was not just a symbolic marriage but a real ceremony with the proper chanting of Vedic rites by respectable pandits and priests. The aghast pandits and priests had no option but to obey Lord Krishna. Such a thing had never been done before. Lord Krishna had over- stepped the boundaries of accepted norms and religious customs.

Thereafter the raped and dishonored women lived lives of dignity and honor in the settlement made by Lord Krishna, under the divine shelter of Lord Krishna as their powerful husband till the end of their days.

When people look down upon any woman who has been raped and feel that she is not respectable enough to be married into a good household, then let them remember Lord Krishna and the supreme sacrifice he performed, to preserve the dignity and honor of womanhood. 

And he did this at a time when he was worshiped as God Incarnate by many. He did not care what people would think or say about him or how history would look upon his act of merciful compassion.

People must remember their own legacy and the legacy that Lord Krishna left them of preserving the honor and dignity of women at all costs.

If nothing else, then let the rapists know that Lord Krishna will never forgive them for dishonoring women-- and they can expect his golden discus of annihilation to come at them in the end of days. Lord Krishna was not one to compromise with evil and always brought all evil doers to justice. Let all rapists in India remember that.Yet far from asking people to love him, Lord Krishna would say:

"I love those who love each other more than I love those who love me!"

"He who sees me in everyone and everyone in me is never separate from me nor I from him!"

"Setting aside all other paths, seek thou a refuge in me!"

People offer prayers to him and get the answers they are seeking and feel his love and compassion come down to them and believe salvation to be a final union with him.

But there is an aspect of Lord Krishna which people here appear to have forgotten or not paid much attention to -- and which is so important in the context of the rape of women going on in the land.

There was a time when Lord Krishna waged war against one of the most evil kings of that time, Jarasandha. The man had plundered and pillaged many a kingdom.

It was said that he and his armies had imprisoned and raped several women over the years, all of who were rotting in his fortresses and prisons.

Lord Krishna heard of the plight of the imprisoned women and waged war against Jarasandha and defeated him. Thereafter he set the women free.

However the women told him that they were all going to drown themselves in the sea because they had been raped and dishonored by Jarasandha and his men.

Raped women were looked down upon as "fallen women" and no one would even come near them far less think of marrying them. In fact their entire lives were ruined, to be lived in ignominy and disgrace. So they had decided to commit mass suicide.

Lord Krishna who was the living epitome of Love and Compassion and venerated women could not bear to see the women kill themselves.

In an unprecedented gesture, Lord Krishna declared that he was marrying all of them! That henceforth he would be known as their husband and that they would live in settlements that he would make for their habitation close to his palace.

And a mass marriage ceremony was performed, which was not just a symbolic marriage but a real ceremony with the proper chanting of Vedic rites by respectable pandits and priests. The aghast pandits and priests had no option but to obey Lord Krishna. Such a thing had never been done before. Lord Krishna had over- stepped the boundaries of accepted norms and religious customs.

Thereafter the raped and dishonored women lived lives of dignity and honor in the settlement made by Lord Krishna, under the divine shelter of Lord Krishna as their powerful husband till the end of their days.

When people look down upon any woman who has been raped and feel that she is not respectable enough to be married into a good household, then let them remember Lord Krishna and the supreme sacrifice he performed, to preserve the dignity and honor of womanhood.

And he did this at a time when he was worshiped as God Incarnate by many. He did not care what people would think or say about him or how history would look upon his act of merciful compassion.

People must remember their own legacy and the legacy that Lord Krishna left them of preserving the honor and dignity of women at all costs.

If nothing else, then let the rapists know that Lord Krishna will never forgive them for dishonoring women-- and they can expect his golden discus of annihilation to come at them in the end of days. Lord Krishna was not one to compromise with evil and always brought all evil doers to justice. Let all rapists in India remember that.


  1. Replies
    1. How u know this bullshits comes from zakir naik . And if he did wrong thing like that then prove it with our text

    2. What would u say if I tell u ...that ur Allah is a rapist

    3. Me the Krishnai was a rapist I fucked gopi's go tell your sister I will fuck her anal

  2. Rapist krishna was bloody rascal he raped a innocent women bustard

    1. krishna didn't raped jarasandha raped.. did you get that

    2. Ur Allah is a fucking rapist and u too

    3. No wonder the world kept sinking, all of you speack if God and yet your mouth is so rotten with insults toward each other. You all talking of the wrong others did or committed instead of building a better way to bring about unity.

      Whatever one chooses to call their God, bo matter the race, bo matter the tongue, country of origins we are all created by one supreme God.

      So we are all part and parcel of that creator, so when you slay and condemn, or insult you are doing to the creator.

      Turn your tongue twice from your mouth to your soul before letting it out.

  3. This u tell mohammad who raped many women had many wife's and married to Aisha who was 6 years old and had sex with her at age of 9 year old

    1. Correct your self. All women's that he married were either widows or divorcy and he married only one virgin girl at the age of 9 and he didn't touched her till her 12. Infact at that time, child marriages are allowed and also if a girl reached puberty, then she is allowed to marry according to Islam and science has proved that a girl can reach puberty at the age between 10 to 14. And also that marriage was approved by Aish's and Mohammed (pbuh) (both) parents, and who are we to interfere between them?
      He didn't done any sin like your Krishna.

    2. in the below video link one can understand that prophet mohamed last wife ayesha was not 6 or 9 years of age at time of marriage but was alteast 18 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RFZwF6Dks0#action=share

    3. According to this perspective, Aisha may have been young, but she was not younger than was the norm at the time. Other Muslims doubt the very idea that Aisha was six at the time of marriage, referring to historians who have questioned the reliability of Aisha's age as given in the saying. In a society without a birth registry and where people did not celebrate birthdays, most people estimated their own age and that of others. Aisha would have been no different. What's more, Aisha had already been engaged to someone else who was a non-Muslim Guy before she married Muhammad suggesting she had already been mature enough by the standards of her society to consider marriage

      Actually Ayesha the last wife of prophet Muhammad was 14 when the prophet Mohamed did marriage contract “NIKAH “with her and 18 when the prophet entered her room.

      Now let’s calculate
      Prophet Mohamed last wife “ Aisha “ was born in : 606 A.D

      Married the prophet in : 620 A.D

      then prophet Mohamed entered her room after 3 years and couple months .
      In 624 A.D

      (14+3+1=18 years old)
      (١٤ + ٣ + ١ = ١٨ سنة كاملة) وهي السن الحقيقية التي تزوج فيها النبي الكريم (عائشة)

      Ayesha sister Asma died when she was 100`s years old in 73 hijri
      (100-73 = 27 years old)

      Just like what lion of Ali a.s said.

      Now let’s see Aisha
      27 her sister Asma age
      17 Aisha age

      that’s all when the prophet went to Medina (Al-Hijra)
      and the prophet married her one year after the hijra.
      Proving that Ayesha the last wife of prophet Mohamed was at least 18 years of age at time of marriage which is a legal age for any girl to get married with anyone

    4. *Accept Islam Now Becoz**PROPHET MOHAMED**is Prophesied in Hindu Holy books*
      its very important for you to accept ISLAM now because prophet mohamed has been prophesied even in hindu holy books Click on link below to read all those prophecies about Prophet Mohamed and Accept ISLAM now !!!


      the biggest mistake hindus have been doing is that being human being they worship self assumed man made ANIMAL FACE IDOLS since centuries like hanoman self assumed monkey face idol & ganesh self assumed elephant face idol & kali mata idol a black widow witch of past which is 100% wrong .lets see what does hindu religious books say about idols worshipping

      *bhagwat geeta chapter 7 verse 20 those whose desires have been stolen by material things they do idol worship*

      all the other religioous scriptures of this world including hindu holy books and bible has got hundreds of scientific errors , contradictions in them only islam book QURAN stands 100% correct with no mistakes no scientific errors no contradictions proving QURAN to be only divine book from one true divine god whose name is *ALLAH*

      Best guidance from dr zakir naik to all hindus

      *even a hindu brother converts to Islam and shows from hindu holy books that SHRI KRISHNA was not a divine person BUT he was actually a RAPIST common man of history*


      *also in valmiki ramayana written by valmiki in the aranyakanda 63 sarga , 4th shloka says that shri rama self testifies saying ,surely i have committed many sins in the past which is why as a result now i have to suffer , so proving that shri krishna and shri rama were sinful people not gods watch the video also*

      *also its written in hindu holy books that Lord Vishnu disguised himself as Jalandhara and took Vrinda's chastity meaning vishnu raped Vrinda* proving all these hindu gods bhagwan were actually human being not gods but in hindu society famous powerful or rich men are commonly called as bhagwan lord etc which leads to a misunderstanding and in todays world those human being are known as bhagwan lolllz so come out of this non sense and stop assuming human beings as gods or animals as gods

    5. 1400 years 9 year old were not childs

    6. I am Krishna tha god who fucked many gopi's hut up or I will fuck your mom too

  4. This u tell mohammad who raped many women had many wife's and married to Aisha who was 6 years old and had sex with her at age of 9 year old

    1. 1500 years ago 9 years were not considered children

    2. I am the rapist Krishna fuck your mom anal

