Saturday, 12 January 2013


How often have we watched CDs of films that we like, and how often have we re-wound them to certain scenes that we especially enjoyed, scenes of joy, pathos, deeply moving sensitive points. How often have we finished watching the film and then laid it aside in our desk knowing that it is there to watch again, whenever we feel like it.

But the CD of life that is unfolding itself before us bringing events and emotions and the pathos of life, is a one way CD - we cannot re-wind any part of it, no matter how much we like to. We cannot re-wind and re-play even one second of this moving film. Whatever scenes come before us are gone forever, lost to us, they are no longer ours, we have no possession or control over them.

How we reacted in all these scenes of life that came before us forms the CD of our life - irrevocable, gone and done forever, each and every moment, each and every second, lost, and receding further and further from us till it gets lost in the sands of time.

How carefully we have to play our parts, how sensitively we have to use the time allotted to us in this drama of life, knowing that each little smile, each little frown, all the love given and all the love lost is going and going forever. In fact each and every breath that you take is going forever, you cannot bring it back,each and every heart-beat is tapping away its own existence forever.

It is not something you would like to take chances with, for it shall never come again. You cannot rewind and replay and re-enact any of the parts of this drama or this moving film on the stage of life.

Or, all having said and done, we shall find ourselves, saying with Omar Khayyam, the poet:

Ah, Love!
Could thou and I with fate conspire
And grasp this sorry state of things entire
Would not we shatter it to bits
And re-mould it nearer to the heart's desire

But sadly we cannot conspire with Fate to re-wind, re-play or edit and change this CD of life. So treat each and every moment with the greatest amount of respect. It is very precious and will never come again.

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