I have respect for every religion in the world and have read most of
their texts, Considering the fact that we have very little time in this
modern world and that time itself is passing by with great swiftness, I
needed a very short spiritual text that will become "my religion". And
here it is -- A Message of Peace.
This was written by my Father HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) in 1942 in the Urdu language and later translated into Hindi and English and Marathi.
It contains everything that I need for my religious education and
enlightenment, and I need not look beyond that. Besides it is very
short, barely covering two pages!! The great thing is that a person of
any Faith can read it and find something common in it. It goes beyond
narrow religious beliefs and contains the essence of a spiritual life
and enlightenment. So this is my religious book, which I wish to share
with my friends! I am sure they will find it very useful in difficult
moments of life when they need instant spiritual help..
H.H. Shri Bhola Nathji
"Convey through me to those who walk in the way of Divine Love such a
message that they may themselves proceed one stage further on the way to
self- surrender."
Neither this world alone nor the renunciation of
the world can give us rest. Rest is in this alone that we receive the
world’s Creator into our hearts and learn to live in the world.
Renunciation–the greatest is to know that all things are God’s.
Enthusiasm–the greatest is that He is with us. Courage–the greatest is
that we belong to Him. Relationship–the greatest is that we are His
children. Devotion–the highest is that in all things we see Him.
Man is made for activity; that is life. Since the divine creation is
immortal, one should act to make it more beautiful; yet so act as by
renunciation of desire to purify oneself. Forsaking selfish ends, one
should devote all one’s powers to the Master’s service. This attitude
alone will bring you fulness of perfect peace.
You know that in
this world death is certain, so profit from this certainty and devote
your life to truth, universal love, and the service of others.
For the drop to merge itself in the ocean is eternal life. The drop
gives to the ocean its insignificance, and the ocean gives to it its
infinitude. You are made neither for life nor for death, but rather in
life to die and in death to live.
Let not your gaze rest on
outward show or conflict or difference, but let it rest on reality and
truth. Look not on the drop, the wave, or the swirling current, but look
on the water, which takes these many forms.
Is not the world
God’s world and those who live in it His children? Then whom can you
despise? No matter if you cannot retire to the forest; serve God Here by
the performance of your duties. Seek no reward for your service; the
reward will come of itself.
If you think of reward, your Master
may doubt whether you love Him or love only the things He can give. Do
your utmost to think of service itself as the reward of every good
action. Devote yourself to it and all else will follow. Direct your
steps towards the sun and your shadow will follow you.
If your
Master keeps you in poverty, be happy in that state because it is your
Master’s gift. Love the thorns more than the rose and consider their
wounds better than balm.
Self-surrender means that if He keeps
you apart you be not grieved, and if He wishes to meet you, you hasten
your steps toward Him. Think not that by accepting separation from Him
you are really apart; by this very act you unite yourself with His Will
and that means union with Him.
Yes, you should walk just as He
wishes you to walk, not as you wish. He does not refuse to follow you,
but He fears that to do so would work you harm, for your understanding
is gross and your knowledge inadequate.
He loves you for your
good, and you for your welfare and repose love and worship Him. Is this
justified? Learn to love Him for His own sake. People think Him selfish
that He desires worship, but they understand not that in this way by
conferring His own presence He wishes to give perfect joy.
alone does not rest in His repose. He wishes to draw the whole world to
Himself. When He purges away a man's sins, that is not to be counted as
harshness. He is merciful and kind; His every action is free of
harshness. It is our wounds that pain by the application of His
ointment. Why are you troubled? Do you not belong to God and is He not
yours? This thought will cleanse your mind in every trouble. Follow
truth and care not what labour it may bring. He, whose laws you keep,
Himself will care for you.
Ask of Him one tiny bit of faith and
you will have no desire more. All have one Father and all are His
children–in this thought all religious differences and conflicts will
cease. Let each person follow His own path, and do you follow yours.
If anyone despise you, love him. Love even atheists, because God is
present in them. If within the Divine Being one is an atheist, why
should you cease to see the Divine Being in him? Does not the very
existence of him who denies prove the existence of God? Does not the
picture prove the artist? The great virtue of this world is that He
appears in all, or all appears in Him.
Different religions are but different paths to one goal.
If anyone ill-treats you, leave him to God, not that He may be
punished but with a petition that He may receive mercy, and for yourself
ask courage and patience to bear His injustice.
If suffering
has enclosed you and you cannot escape, then follow that tested
prescription of forsaking all trust in yourself and your powers, and
laying all your troubles before your Master wait to see what He will
bring. Either you will be released from that trouble, or you will be
given strength to bear it; only let there be no pretence in your
Don't for an instant empty your mind of the thought
of Him, and you will have no danger. If you have gained all, but have
lost faith in Him, you have erred greatly; but if you have lost all and
gained Him you are wise.
Someone asked me, "How does one find
God?" I said, "Awaken a hunger for him." He asked again, "How to awaken
hunger?" Then I said, "Associate with those who hunger after Him, those
who desire Him.
Seek to see God with your Heart, not your mind.
The chief thing is this that you should never stray from the garden of
truth, universal love and faith, and that you should do good to all men
at all times.
Your Master Himself will come and take your hand."
Renounce all thought of my and mine,
And from a drop become the sea.
Lose thou thyself in Truth Divine,
And know thou art Infinity.
Ghulam Rue Zameen
The Servant of the Earth