Wednesday, 12 November 2014


When a person becomes too proud of his achievements and begins to belittle and insult God rather than attribute all his success to the Divine Grace on him, then it is time for the Laws of Karma to take their natural course.

One day the Gas Balloon of the man's ego bursts with a resounding blast, sending the person into a state of shocked despair and misery. What went wrong?
Maybe he insulted God? It was so easy then! Because the Gas Balloon would not let him see beyond his ego.

But now that the Balloon has burst , the vision is clear, and the man sees his folly.
He prays and prays to God to get Him out of his sorrow and suffering.

But the inexorable law of Karma must take its course, because it is also a creation of God, and it cannot tolerate an insult to its Master. Heaven and hell are nothing but the creations of the Law of Karma.

So if a person is filling his gas balloon of ego too fast and too soon, and insulting God and belittling him, then he better mend his ways before it is too late and suffering becomes his fate in life. Let him try and deflate the balloon himself before God pricks it with a pin and causes it to burst and it is too late, and he realises that he was in fact nothing - but a gas balloon!

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