--HH shri Nathji (1902-1992) was a great spiritual luminary of his time in whom people experienced God. And yet he was the humblest person upon earth who called himself: "The Servant of the Earth " or "The Slave of all humanity: - Ghulam Rue Zameen. His incredible handsome personality was endowed with a heavenly light which shone all the time.
This was a verse written by HH Shri Nathji originally in Urdu, which is being translated into English here:
HH Shri Nathji's unostentatious and humble mode of living made it appear as if he did not exist in the world at all. There were many who were surprised to find him as a neighbour when they thought no one was in the neighbourhood!
It made no difference to HH Shri Nathji whether thousands came to him or just one person or even no one. There were times when he said: "If no one comes to me I will simply content myself in viewing my own reflection in a mirror!"
He wanted nothing from anyone. He desired neither name, nor fame nor followers nor wealth. He lived like any common householder with his family and one or two attendants, like any common man.
He had none of the trappings of the Sadhus and Mahatmas and Gurus who lived in huge palaces called "ashrams" and had an army of thousands of followers surrounding them all the time. There were many who went around with security guards and spoke through bullet proof glass booths. When asked what was their mission in life they would say; "world peace"!
While such gurus who claimed to be preaching about God were in fact worshipping their own selves and glorying in their own name and fame, always surrounded by crowds, here was Shri Nathji even walking all alone on the streets, making himself readily available to one and all.
His Divine Radiant Personality, the most beautiful looks in the world, and his overwhelming, overpowering love made even strangers stop and stare at him and wish to come to him.
A Civil Surgeon who met him on the Mall Road at Mussoorie for the first time, rushed up to him and touched his feet and said:
"Sire! Who are you? You do not belong to this world! You have come from dev lok- the heavens! O why did you have to come down into this vicious world!!"
If HH Shri Nathji had so wished he could have attracted the whole world to himself, but he used to say:
"Yes, I can call the whole world to myself - but where will I place it? There are billions of people all over the world. They are already mine so what need do I have of calling them! I belong to the world and the world belongs to me! I am living only for the sake of the people of the world.
"Genuine seekers, wherever they are, will find me of their own selves! Like a moth is attracted to a flame through an instinctive and inner attraction!"
"I have no mission except Love in this world,
My Mission is Love and my work is Love!"
Even though thousands met him in life he never made any followers as such, he never started a cult of his own, he never gave any guru mantras which gurus routinely give to bind people to their own selves.
"I dont need to give any guru mantras," he would say, "I have entered their hearts and they have entered mine. That is a strong
relationship in itself!"
Although miracles followed him wherever he went he attached no importance to them and would say:
"Speak not to me of Miracles,
For I have left Miracles Behind!"
We might even say that here was HH Shri Nathji in whom people saw the holiest of the holy, living like God incognito, a tourist wandering through his own creation and declaring himself to be the humblest person upon earth:" The slave of all humanity! The servant of the earth!
He would also say: "I called myself the Servant of the Earth. But even that is wrong! A servant is one who can resign at any time. Therefore I changed my title to 'Ghulam' which means a Slave, one who has sold himself for free to every person upon earth and who can never resign from his work! The work of serving you!"
"I am like the air around you which is serving you all the time without making its presence felt!
"Try me! Call out to me whenever you are in need, and I shall be there, faster than the wind, swifter than a flash of lightning!"
His picture alone had this incredible effect and was sufficient to communicate with him.
He would say:
"I have not come to be worshipped. I have come to worship you!"
"I know you but you do not know me!"
"I am a very old companion of yours. I was your companion even before the Universe came into being!"

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