Thoughts of my Father, HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) a Great Spiritual Luminary of his time who have peace and beatitude to countless souls during his Life time and who continues to be with people even today answering their prayers and helping them even now.
"You think you are great.
O, look only once at the Himalayas and then at yourself.
Stand on the shore and look at the mighty ocean swelling and expanding, and then look at yourself.
Look at the infinite sky above and then at yourself. Look at the Sun, the moon, and the planets and the stars that float in this vastness. Look at the light that travels from them with an incredible speed to reach the earth.
There are numerous worlds around the Sun, and numerous Suns in the Universe.
O, look at them all, and then at your own greatness.
The sky exists like a tiny bubble in one single thought born in Someone’s mind, and in it do float the tiny specks of these worlds.
Look upwards and realize that great Infinity which sustains the life of the Universe, that Vast Ocean of Greatness in which our tiny earth exists, and then see yourself standing somewhere in some obscure corner of it.
O, How great art thou?
As big, perhaps, as the drop of water when compared to the ocean….

Thoughts of my Father, HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) a Great Spiritual Luminary of his time who have peace and beatitude to countless souls during his Life time and who continues to be with people even today answering their prayers and helping them even now.
"You think you are great.
O, look only once at the Himalayas and then at yourself.
Stand on the shore and look at the mighty ocean swelling and expanding, and then look at yourself.
Look at the infinite sky above and then at yourself. Look at the Sun, the moon, and the planets and the stars that float in this vastness. Look at the light that travels from them with an incredible speed to reach the earth.
There are numerous worlds around the Sun, and numerous Suns in the Universe.
O, look at them all, and then at your own greatness.
The sky exists like a tiny bubble in one single thought born in Someone’s mind, and in it do float the tiny specks of these worlds.
Look upwards and realize that great Infinity which sustains the life of the Universe, that Vast Ocean of Greatness in which our tiny earth exists, and then see yourself standing somewhere in some obscure corner of it.
O, How great art thou?
As big, perhaps, as the drop of water when compared to the ocean….

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