Wednesday, 12 November 2014



My grandfather, (the father of HH Shri Bola Nathji) whose real name was Devi Das Mehta, and who later began to be called HH Shri Babaji Bhagwan, was a great enlightened being who gave peace and beatitude to countless folk during his life time and removed their sorrows and sufferings.

A Divine Glow always emanated from his face, which was the Glory of God, and he was Love personified. As a youth he had given away all his wealth as a millionaire to the poor and those in need, which included mansions and buildings and bazaars and fields and lands, and he rejoiced in this renunciation. He made wealth meaningful as a means of spiritual attainment, by giving it away.

As a spiritual man his life was in sharp contrast to many of the present day gurus who become gurus only for the sake of name, fame and wealth.

He would say to such gurus: "You have not to become great by acquiring these things of the world - name. fame and wealth, you have to become great by renouncing all these desires!"

Shri Babaji did not want anything from anybody, and instead gave away everything that he had. Many of his sayings still serve as a guiding light to humanity.

He would say:

"I am convinced there is no condition higher than that silence
which comes of the abandonment of all latest desires."

" There is no state higher than mine,
And there is no state lower than mine,
And there is no state like mine..."

"I am content with what God has given me as my share
And I commit to my Creator my every care,
To do good in the past has been indeed His Will,
He will do good as well in what is to come still!"

"He who has not given up the ways of vice,
He whose mind is not at rest,
He who is not able to control himself,
Can never realise God,
Though full of the learning of the world."

His worldly advice made people call him the Aristotle of their times:

He would say:

"“Do not think of the time that has passed away, because if it was a good time, then by contrast your present situation will appear to be bad. And if it was a bad time then its remembrance will reduce the happiness of the present time before you. Therefore whatever has passed, let it go, no matter whether it be good or bad. The space within your heart is already too small, why fill it things that are unnecessary?”

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