From the tho
From the tho
light to humanity:
"I have no mission except love in this world,
My mission is Love and my work is Love!"
On the 11th of November is another Diwali in India when over a billion
lamps will light up India. There will be lights in the richest homes as
well as lights in the poorest. Maybe the poor will content themselves
with one solitary clap lamp, a deepak, with a light as small as that of a
candle. While the rich will have a multitude of lights, hundreds of
clay lamps and electric lights.
But the light in all of them will be the same -- just light!
And what a strange thing is this that while light can penetrate into darkness, darkness cannot penetrate into light.
Thousands of Diwalis have come and gone, hundreds and thousands and millions and billions of clay lamps and candles have been burnt and have given out their light and they have all gone.
The moment a candle or a clay lamp is lit, it is destined to die out.
The life of a clay lamp shows us that while it lives its life out in fire it gives light to others. And when it dies out it does so in the light of a new morning, the light of the Sun. So its death is in reality a mingling of its light into the light of the Sun.
The clay lamp reveals the picture of human life. The moment a person is born into the world, he is destined to leave. This small life of man must be converted into Eternal Life in God before it goes out.
What is the significance of Diwali?
"O Lord, Lead me from darkness to light!"
What is darkness? Darkness is ignorance, darkness is evil, darkness is everything that leads us away from goodness, and towards the material things of the world which are all perishable.
But darkness is a good teacher -- because when man stumbles and falls in the dark he seeks light and finds it. Similarly evil is a teacher. When man stumbles and falls in evil he must go towards good. And from good he must go towards God - the Light of all Lights where all darkness ends forever!
May this Diwali light up the three lamps of Love, Faith and Service in all of humanity, so that they may come to realise that the new morning will bring before all of them the light of the same Sun - God.
My mission is Love and my work is Love!"

But the light in all of them will be the same -- just light!
And what a strange thing is this that while light can penetrate into darkness, darkness cannot penetrate into light.
Thousands of Diwalis have come and gone, hundreds and thousands and millions and billions of clay lamps and candles have been burnt and have given out their light and they have all gone.
The moment a candle or a clay lamp is lit, it is destined to die out.
The life of a clay lamp shows us that while it lives its life out in fire it gives light to others. And when it dies out it does so in the light of a new morning, the light of the Sun. So its death is in reality a mingling of its light into the light of the Sun.
The clay lamp reveals the picture of human life. The moment a person is born into the world, he is destined to leave. This small life of man must be converted into Eternal Life in God before it goes out.
What is the significance of Diwali?
"O Lord, Lead me from darkness to light!"
What is darkness? Darkness is ignorance, darkness is evil, darkness is everything that leads us away from goodness, and towards the material things of the world which are all perishable.
But darkness is a good teacher -- because when man stumbles and falls in the dark he seeks light and finds it. Similarly evil is a teacher. When man stumbles and falls in evil he must go towards good. And from good he must go towards God - the Light of all Lights where all darkness ends forever!
May this Diwali light up the three lamps of Love, Faith and Service in all of humanity, so that they may come to realise that the new morning will bring before all of them the light of the same Sun - God.
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