Sunday, 30 October 2016


While it is true that people are searching for spiritual truths in the world, yet what is nearest to their hearts is Success in the world, both material as well as spiritual.
Here is HH Shri Bhola Nathji's Parable on the subject:
"A King opened a bazaar which contained many an item, from the most expensive to the least innocuous, in fact the bazaar contained anything a worldly person sought in life.
And the king made an announcement:
"Let all my subjects come and place their hand on anything they like and it shall be theirs for free. The only condition is that after they have chosen any one thing, they are not allowed to choose another! So be careful before you choose! There is only one chance!"
And the subjects of his kingdom rushed to the bazaar each one selecting whatever they needed and whatever held their fancy.
There came a woman who was so filled with joy at the sight of all the things laid out in the bazaar that she just could not make up her mind what to choose and what to put her hand upon.
She would extend her hand towards an expensive saree and then stop as she saw an expensive diamond necklace, and would then extend her hand towards the necklace, and then stop again as she saw something more attractive. And looking thus at everything in the bazaar she continued walking until she had come to the last shop.

Her sight went beyond the last shop and she saw a man sitting alone, lost in deep thought, with a look of intense sadness on his face.
She said to the man: "What are you doing sitting here? Go and select something in the bazaar! Don't you know that the king has issued an order that anyone can touch any one thing in the bazaar and it will become his?"
The man replied: "I know! I am the king!"
Woman: "You are the king!! Then why are you looking so sad?"
King: "I am sad because today I have realized that the people in my kingdom love only the things I can give them, no one has a love for me!"
The woman thought for a while, and then, upon an impulse placed her hand upon the shoulder of the king!

"What are you doing?" said an alarmed king.
"I am selecting you by placing my hand upon your shoulder! According to the conditions laid down by you, now you belong to me!"
"Woman!" said an astonished king, "what will you get by selecting me? Go and take something from the bazaar!"
Woman:"But I want everything in the bazaar not just one thing!"
She continued: "To whom does the bazaar belong?"
King: "To me!"
Woman: "And to whom do you now belong?"
King: "To you!"
Woman: "Therefore the entire bazaar belongs to me, and everything there is mine!"
This is the Secret of Success. The world and everything in it belongs to God. We find that even with our best efforts we are dissatisfied with what we get in the world.
If we can but Select Him, choose Him, establish a relationship with Him, who is the Creator of everything, then indeed we have obtained real success, and the world and everything in it belongs to us and is ours for the asking!!

We discover that satisfaction and contentment enter our hearts and no matter what we get. we are happy in it and successful in all our endeavors.
"Too agar meraa bane saaraa jahaan meraa hai phir,
Too agar meraa naheen to phir koyi meraa naheen"
"If Thou become mine then the entire world is mine,
But if Thou art not mine, then nothing is mine!"

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