When I was a little boy in school I used to read a lot of comic books, which were being sold by a Bookseller in the town who could not read or write or speak English, but whose bookshop was full of Comics from the USA.
And that is how I got
introduced to a new world of make-believe which I could not appreciate
at the time, but which turned into Reality in later days.
In every comic that I read -- whether it was Western Comics, or Walt Disney's Comic Books, or Classics, or Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman and Jungle Girls and Tarzan -- there were always the Good Guys and the Bad Guys.
There were the victims of the Bad Guys who had to
be rescued -- and the Good Guys rescued them always!! Giving a
"bashing" , a "biff" and a "pow" and a "clunk" to the Bad Guys, and
finally taking them to jail!!
And the great thing was that the Good Guys never wanted anything for themselves!! They were selfless, desiring nothing, wanting nothing, just doing good for the sake of doing good!!
There was Superman flying to distant corners of the world to save people from falling mountains and rising oceans, lifting up children from the roads to save them from being run over by cars and buses, -- and then vanishing into the sky without waiting to be thanked!!
They were doing good without being conscious of the act, having no pride and ego, and living only for the sake of the good they could do!!
Although we were frequently told that reading
comics was a waste of time but I think it was from there that we
received our religious or spiritual education -- that Good was better
than Evil and that Good always triumphed over Evil.
I attach some of the comic books of the time which formed part of my "education". Which was not to say that I flunked my classes or bunked them, on the contrary I came first in the class!! Of Course, it could not have been the comics that did that!
By the time I finished buying comic books, half of the bookseller's shop was empty and a cupboard in my home full of the comics I had bought.
Naturally a large number of friends began to visit my home and borrowed the comics, which they either never returned or returned in a tattered state - so much for school mates!!
In every comic that I read -- whether it was Western Comics, or Walt Disney's Comic Books, or Classics, or Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman and Jungle Girls and Tarzan -- there were always the Good Guys and the Bad Guys.

And the great thing was that the Good Guys never wanted anything for themselves!! They were selfless, desiring nothing, wanting nothing, just doing good for the sake of doing good!!
There was Superman flying to distant corners of the world to save people from falling mountains and rising oceans, lifting up children from the roads to save them from being run over by cars and buses, -- and then vanishing into the sky without waiting to be thanked!!
They were doing good without being conscious of the act, having no pride and ego, and living only for the sake of the good they could do!!

I attach some of the comic books of the time which formed part of my "education". Which was not to say that I flunked my classes or bunked them, on the contrary I came first in the class!! Of Course, it could not have been the comics that did that!
By the time I finished buying comic books, half of the bookseller's shop was empty and a cupboard in my home full of the comics I had bought.
Naturally a large number of friends began to visit my home and borrowed the comics, which they either never returned or returned in a tattered state - so much for school mates!!
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