From the Thoughts of HH Shri Bhola Nathji, Great Spiritual luminary of our times whose words and Celestial Presence guide us even to this day, when he is not with us in his physical frame but is residing in his Immortal Heavenly Abode from where He had come.
For most people in the world, Death is something to think about only when they fall seriously ill or are stricken by some suffering or misery, or hear about other people dying. Beyond that it is an imaginary "thought" only.
The most amazing thing in the world is that while people die before us every day, no one REALLY believes in his Death that is about to come, and he tries not even to think about it.
But for a soldier on the battlefield, Death is a stark Reality that stares him in the face all the time. Every bullet, every shell, every bomb, the rumbling of tanks headed for him, bring him closer and closer to Death.
And what is his reaction? The greater the Death that faces him the more he marches onwards towards it. Ready to sacrifice his life for a principle, that of defending his motherland.
Compare that with a "devotee" of God, one who enjoys listening to the hymns , bhajans, songs and kirtans about God and listening to the speeches of Holy men.
But when he is called upon to test his faith, he runs away at the slightest feeling of any fear, loss or inconvenience to him, far less Death. It makes no difference to him that God will be angry with him for being so weak as to disgrace the name of God.
Is this the devotee of God who the devotee regards as All-Powerful? The God who gave him his life, saved it many times in accidents and illnesses, and brought him success when there was no chance. Is this his "gratitude" to God for giving him everything in his life?
What if Death were to come to him? Where would he get up and run? To run away from God is to run away from His Umbrella of Protection and to plunge into the sorrows and sufferings of the world.
HH Shri Babaji Bhagwan, my grandfather, used to say: "Would you try and run away from God? Then go find a place where there is no Death!"
In fact there is no comparison between a soldier and a devotee of God,
The soldier is ever ready for Death, every moment, and willing to die for the sake of a principle and is ever united with God in life as well as in Death.
The devotee who remains ever a coward and who lives in fear and dies in fear, has no God to shelter him in this life or the next.

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