Monday, 29 October 2012



There stand by the wayside ruins of an age gone-by monuments, decayed and wasted. The storms of time passed over these pillars.
Look upon these pillars and these walls,
O’er which the storms of time have played,
The marks high, and the colours sublime,-
Stand they in isolation with shrouds of soot and mud.
The relentless hand of time did buffet them
And under its blows did they fall.
Stand they in silence now, speaking the language of time
With walls cracked and shivering, rocks ground to dust
In silence speak the walls and in silence lie the dwellers,
In silence lie the Kings and Queens, in silence, the Emperors.
They, who upon the floors did walk
Lie beneath them now, speaking the language of time
Gone are the echoes of laughter heard in halls,
Gone, too, the tread of walking feet
And gone, too, they who laughed and walked,
Gone, they with all their pictures, gone, they with all their wealth.
Look! Heavy rest the stones that contain these –
Dwellers of this palace and that, heavy and silent hangs the well.
Fearful is the Present, fearful too, the Past,
For o’er them all rests the hand of time,
The hand that sweeps in a stroke the Kings and Monarchs,
The rich and the poor, the living and the dead,
Look again upon these remnants of ages past,
Look again upon rotting beauty and taken life.
Look again upon these scenes of decay;
Gone the players, gone the play,
Gone the potter, and gone the clay.
Gone the time – who else could stay?
All these did pass and more;
All this shall pass and more, of this be thou sure.
How long, O, man thy life in this flow, how long thy stay?
How long thy fancies, thy accumulation of wealth?
Get thee done thy REAL work which alone will endure,
Make haste, lest the boat slip away and thou lose sight of shore!
Leave not for tomorrow what thou wouldst do today anymore.
Thou do desire peace by means of desire. But thou do lose the very peace by instilling desire. Try not to create things to satiate thy desire, but create thou desires for the things that are already with thee.
And in this way thou shalt never lose thy joy.

Thou wouldst evolve desire and then search for things that may or may not be found. If they are found there is happiness and if they are not found there is sorrow. Leave, therefore, this uncertain joy.
Do thou evolve a desire for the things that are in thy possession, so that thou may enjoy them to the fullest extent.

Create a desire for whatever is given unto thee or whatever Providence sends.

Where, therefore, can sorrow find a place?

In this way thou shalt possess all that thou do desire, for thou didst not desire that which was not with thee.

If thou canst desire in one way why canst thou not desire in another?

To desire, rests in a thought of thy mind. Desire, therefore, in the way which gives thee joy.

Why create before thyself the darkness of thy own shadow and stumble and fall?

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