Thursday, 29 May 2014


April 23

As I write this the famous words of Jamaica Farewell come to my mind with a certain degree of sadness:

"But I'm sad to say, I'm on my way
And I wont be back for many a day,
My heart is down and my head is turning around
As I leave my friends on Facebook Town.."

Dear Friends I am heading for my home in the Himalayan Mountains where I shall be for several months, and where the internet will have to be connected and the computer thumped and cajoled into working again, so I may not be in communication for a while.

But I remember the words of the brave American General MacArthur who said in the Far East when leaving : "I shall return!"

I dont think he did. But I may be wrong, maybe he did.

But then I am not MacArthur and I will return.

But I seek something from you as I say farewell -- I seek your love and prayers and good wishes which will go with me and bring me back. My love and prayers and good wishes will remain with you.

Most of all my Father is watching over all of us and since He is All Love He shall certainly bring us all together again....

I shall miss you till then..

Your friend,

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