April 8
Thoughts of HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) Founder of the World Prayer Day for Peace.
You worry about your food. You worry about your clothes. You worry about the insurmountable difficulties placed in your way.
Such worrying is not to your credit. It shows you distrust His Power – He, who has given you everything, without your asking, and without a word being said from your side.
Even before you were born, He created the World for you.
Who did you ask for this World?
The answer to all your needs is seen exhibited everywhere in Nature.
Yes, even when you are asleep – He is awake. He is always Awake.
Yet, you sleep, and sometime even in wakefulness do you slumber in your heart and forget His great Power.
But, He, who runs the clock of this Universe, cannot afford to sleep for even the fraction of a second, because if He slumbered there would be destruction everywhere.
He keeps awake and seeks to awaken others to tell them that He, in whose world they are living, is looking after them, and is forming the answers to even the questions that they have not thought of.

Thoughts of HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) Founder of the World Prayer Day for Peace.
You worry about your food. You worry about your clothes. You worry about the insurmountable difficulties placed in your way.
Such worrying is not to your credit. It shows you distrust His Power – He, who has given you everything, without your asking, and without a word being said from your side.
Even before you were born, He created the World for you.
Who did you ask for this World?
The answer to all your needs is seen exhibited everywhere in Nature.
Yes, even when you are asleep – He is awake. He is always Awake.
Yet, you sleep, and sometime even in wakefulness do you slumber in your heart and forget His great Power.
But, He, who runs the clock of this Universe, cannot afford to sleep for even the fraction of a second, because if He slumbered there would be destruction everywhere.
He keeps awake and seeks to awaken others to tell them that He, in whose world they are living, is looking after them, and is forming the answers to even the questions that they have not thought of.

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