Wednesday, 28 May 2014


March 8

As so often happens, when too much happiness and prosperity comes to man he has a tendency to forget about God altogether.

There was a wealthy man with status and power who had everything that he wanted in life.

His motto in life had become: "GOD IS NOWHERE!"

He was like a man without any thirst for whom water was meaningless. "What need of God do I have? I have everything that I want in life!"

One day he was aboard a ship, and the ship was hit by a terrible storm that made the ship tremble and shake as if it were about to go down.

The man in panic ran to the captain of the ship and asked him to do something.

"Don't disturb me," said the angry captain," I am doing my job!"

Next the man ran to the other passengers on the ship and asked them to do something, but they were all helpless.

In desperation he tried to hold on to rails of the ship to stop the
shaking, but to no avail.

With a shock he realised that all his wealth and status and power were of no avail, that all the happiness he possessed had vanished in an instant, that his very life had lost all meaning.

He looked up at the ocean like a madman and ordered it to stop the storm. But the ocean was lifeless. And the storm continued, becoming more and more fierce.

Then he looked up at the clouds in the skies, and suddenly he was reminded of God.

But the clouds had a strange formation that appeared to say " GOD IS NOWHERE", it was the belief he had held on to all his life.

Out of utter desperation and fear he cried out to the heavens above:

"O God! Please stop the storm! Get my ship to the shore. After that you may choose to exist or not to exist!!"

Suddenly the storm ceased and the formation of the clouds in the sky changed, and instead of forming into letters that said:
"GOD IS NOWHERE" the clouds had changed their formation to say

The W in NOWHERE had gone over to the NO and
the word NOWHERE had changed into NOW HERE.

So it is that at times of utter helplessness when one's own power, one's wealth and one's status and friends stand by helplessly, even the most proud and powerful of men are humbled down to their knees and cry out to God in desperation.

And at such times when Divine Aid comes to them they are convinced of the existence of God. He whose existence they had denied all their lives becomes a Reality for them.

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