October 22, 2013

What is love? Wouldst thou know? It is in thee, but it reveals not itself. The love of a father, the love of a son, the love of a relative, a friend, all exist in thy heart but thou canst not feel the love till the time the object of thy love comes before thee.
A wave of love surges in the breast of the father the moment he sets eyes upon his son. And so it is with friend and friend.
If thou wouldst love thy Eternal Beloved, if thou wouldst love the Eternal Beauty, then pray thou to Him to manifest Himself so that the love hidden in thee may recognize its object and thou mayest feel this love.
The moth is filled with love when it beholds the flame and the nightingale is filled with love when it beholds the flower emerging from the bud – how canst thou feel the love for thy Beloved unless the Beloved appear before thee? Love shall came to thee afterwards.
Meet thou the Beloved first. The moment He appears before thee, waves of love will surge in thy heart.
Thou do ask “How can a Beloved exist if there be no love?” This is true. But bear thou in thyself a love for love itself, in the beginning.
Pray to Him. Hear the tales of His beauty.
Meet His Lovers. Then only will thy humble invitation reach Him and He shall accept it. He shall come to thee and shall fill thee with His love. And then shalt thou understand the meaning of love. The love that was asleep in thee shall be awakened and thou shall merge into it forever.

What is love? Wouldst thou know? It is in thee, but it reveals not itself. The love of a father, the love of a son, the love of a relative, a friend, all exist in thy heart but thou canst not feel the love till the time the object of thy love comes before thee.
A wave of love surges in the breast of the father the moment he sets eyes upon his son. And so it is with friend and friend.
If thou wouldst love thy Eternal Beloved, if thou wouldst love the Eternal Beauty, then pray thou to Him to manifest Himself so that the love hidden in thee may recognize its object and thou mayest feel this love.
The moth is filled with love when it beholds the flame and the nightingale is filled with love when it beholds the flower emerging from the bud – how canst thou feel the love for thy Beloved unless the Beloved appear before thee? Love shall came to thee afterwards.
Meet thou the Beloved first. The moment He appears before thee, waves of love will surge in thy heart.
Thou do ask “How can a Beloved exist if there be no love?” This is true. But bear thou in thyself a love for love itself, in the beginning.
Pray to Him. Hear the tales of His beauty.
Meet His Lovers. Then only will thy humble invitation reach Him and He shall accept it. He shall come to thee and shall fill thee with His love. And then shalt thou understand the meaning of love. The love that was asleep in thee shall be awakened and thou shall merge into it forever.
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