Lord Rama had a younger brother, Laxman, who has also been immortalised
in the Ramayana along with Lord Rama. His duty was to protect his
innocent brother, Lord Rama, as well as Maharani Sita, the queen of Lord
Rama, in the forests, when they were all alone.

The Evil King, Ravana, had made a plan to abduct Maharani Sita. For
this he had called one of his devils, Mareecha, to assume the guise of a
golden deer and lure Lord Rama away, so that he could abduct Maharani
Sita while Rama was gone.
Mareecha was reluctant to commit this crime and so Ravana threatened to kill him there and then, on the spot.
Mareecha knew that he would die in any case. Lord Rama's arrow was sure to finish him.
He saw death in both the cases - death either at the hands of the Evil Ravana or Death at the hands of Lord Rama.
And he chose Death at the hands of Lord Rama knowing that he would gain eternal life by dying at the hands of the Lord.
And thus it came about that, in keeping with his planned leela or drama, Lord Rama was forced into running after the golden deer by Maharani Sita herself.
Lord Rama went but left Laxman behind to guard Maharani Sita.
Laxman in turn was lured away by false cries for help purportedly belonging to his brother Rama, but which were cries of Mareecha.
But before Laxman left, he drew a LAXMAN REKHA, now immortalised in history. A line etched on the ground with his arrow tip, telling Maharani Sita to never cross the line no matter what the circumstances.
With Laxman gone to help his brother Rama, Maharani Sita was all alone in the hut. That was when Ravana found his chance and came to the hut disguised as an ascetic, a sadhu in ochre robes, and he prayed to her to cross the LAXMAN REKHA and come out to give him alms.
Believing him to be a true holy man in ochre robes, Maharani Sita stepped out of the boundary laid on the ground by Laxman, the LAXMAN REKHA, and Ravana got the chance he had been waiting for-- and abducted her.
HH Shri Bhola Nathji often used to say:
" The policy of Laxman to suspect people was absolutely correct!
In later days he suspected the brother of Ravana, Vibheeshan, who had come with good intent to take refuge in Lord Rama. Though Lord Rama's divinity superseded worldly considerations, yet the diplomacy of Laxman was definitely correct! And it certainly applies to the world of today!
" If you suspect someone, and he does not know you suspect him, then he will not lose anything-- but you will be saved from a great deception and betrayal later on, in case he has some evil intentions! Therefore there is no harm in being suspicious of people.
"Just remember that golden formula: WHEN IN DOUBT, DON'T !"

Mareecha was reluctant to commit this crime and so Ravana threatened to kill him there and then, on the spot.
Mareecha knew that he would die in any case. Lord Rama's arrow was sure to finish him.
He saw death in both the cases - death either at the hands of the Evil Ravana or Death at the hands of Lord Rama.
And he chose Death at the hands of Lord Rama knowing that he would gain eternal life by dying at the hands of the Lord.
And thus it came about that, in keeping with his planned leela or drama, Lord Rama was forced into running after the golden deer by Maharani Sita herself.
Lord Rama went but left Laxman behind to guard Maharani Sita.
Laxman in turn was lured away by false cries for help purportedly belonging to his brother Rama, but which were cries of Mareecha.
But before Laxman left, he drew a LAXMAN REKHA, now immortalised in history. A line etched on the ground with his arrow tip, telling Maharani Sita to never cross the line no matter what the circumstances.
With Laxman gone to help his brother Rama, Maharani Sita was all alone in the hut. That was when Ravana found his chance and came to the hut disguised as an ascetic, a sadhu in ochre robes, and he prayed to her to cross the LAXMAN REKHA and come out to give him alms.
Believing him to be a true holy man in ochre robes, Maharani Sita stepped out of the boundary laid on the ground by Laxman, the LAXMAN REKHA, and Ravana got the chance he had been waiting for-- and abducted her.
HH Shri Bhola Nathji often used to say:
" The policy of Laxman to suspect people was absolutely correct!
In later days he suspected the brother of Ravana, Vibheeshan, who had come with good intent to take refuge in Lord Rama. Though Lord Rama's divinity superseded worldly considerations, yet the diplomacy of Laxman was definitely correct! And it certainly applies to the world of today!
" If you suspect someone, and he does not know you suspect him, then he will not lose anything-- but you will be saved from a great deception and betrayal later on, in case he has some evil intentions! Therefore there is no harm in being suspicious of people.
"Just remember that golden formula: WHEN IN DOUBT, DON'T !"

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