From the pen of my Father, His Holiness, Shri Bhola Nathji, who was a Great Spiritual Luminary of our times, and who gave Peace and Beatitude to Countless Folk during his life-time and in whom people experienced God,and whose Blessings still Help and Comfort us from his Celestial Abode!
Man must never forget two things in life-- the first is the Existence of God and the second is the Existence of Death.
You have to remember God all the time and keep Him in your heart, with each and every breath, so that you may be freed of all your fears and worries, of this life and the next.
He is the Host in whose house you are living like Guests, who have to leave the house one day, and must ensure where they have to go.
And you have to remember Death, because it is a CERTAINTY, which people try to ignore. While people run after the uncertain things of the world they ignore that which MUST come!
All the plans and ambitions and desires, wealth and prosperity of man are reduced to Dust by Death in fraction of a second -- which may come at anytime.
God has let you know of the time of your Birth, but He has deliberately hidden from you the time of your Death, so that you may know that -- Death is the Next Moment.
And so that you may make haste to establish a relationship with God before it comes, suddenly, catching you unawares.
When a Yakshya, a celestial being, asked Yudhistra the King of Hastinapur and Indraparatha:
"What is the most amazing thing in the world?"
Yudhistra, who was the wisest of men, replied:
"The most amazing thing in the world is that people die before us every day, but no one really believes in his own death!"
People are constantly busy searching for wealth, status and prosperity, even some so-called pseudo holy men are seeking name and fame and followers, and desiring they be worshipped even after they are gone.
While in their heart of hearts everybody knows that their pride and desire for praise and worship will be crushed by Death into insignificance-- and whether they will be worshipped after Death or go into the endless cycle of births and deaths is a question even they cannot answer.
Therefore it is better for everyone to set aside their egos and to say: "ALL GLORY UNTO HIM ALONE!"

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