From the thoughts of my father,His Holiness Shri Bhola Nathji, a Great Spiritual Luminary of our times who gave peace and beatitude to countless folk during his lifetime, relieving them of their sorrows and sufferings and in whom people saw God personified as Love and Peace.
Man has got into the habit of complaining to God for the things God did not give Him, but always forgets to thank Him for the bountiful gifts He has given. Man's ingratitude always outweighs his gratitude.
God gives more and more to the man with gratitude and nothing to the man with only ingratitude in his heart.
HH Shri Bhola Nathji often narrated this parable of the two guests of the king.
The king served each of them with ten dishes of delicious food,
Unfortunately his cook forgot to put salt in one of the dishes, the lentils, or daal.
When the guests reached the town they were surrounded by friends and strangers eager to know what they had been given to eat by the king.
The first said: "What a dreadful meal it was. There was no salt in the daal!"
He said nothing about the nine other delicious foods that were served.
And the second guest said to the people
: "O there were so many delicious foods, it is impossible to narrate how tasty and delicious the food was, the best I ever ate!"
News reached the ears of the king about what the two guests had been saying.
The King thereupon wrote a letter to each of the guests.
To the first, who had complained, he said:
"My most honored guest! You are more than an honorable guest--because I could not please you with my food! Unfortunately the cook forgot to put salt in the daal. I am so sorry for it.
"But I shall not trouble you to come to my house again for dinner, because in my house salt is often forgotten in the daal!"
The door of the king was closed forever on the first ungrateful guest.
To the second guest the king wrote:
" My Dear honourable guest! Thank you for praising my food before the public despite the fact that there was no salt in the daal.
" But please keep coming to my house-- and the next time there will be salt in the daal as well!"

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