Sunday, 23 May 2021



From the pen of a Great Spiritual Luminary of our times, His Holiness, Shri Bhola Nathji Maharaj, who gave peace to countless souls relIeving them of their ills and sorrows and who still guides us and blesses us from His Celestial Abode in the Heavens.
HH Shri Bhola Nathji, or Shri Nathji, as he was called not only had an indefinable spiritual power and divinity, but also an irrefutable logic that no one could shake and which drew intellectuals and philosophers and scientists to him.
Here is an episode which showed how HH Shri Bhola Nathji proved he was the owner of the whole world with stunning logic!
Shri Nathji met a millionaire, a Seth, who owned a whole colony of houses in Dehra Dun.
The man touched Shri Nathji's feet and then in a moment of conversation said, pointing to the colony of houses:
"All these houses here belong to me!"
Shri Nathji swung his walking stick in the sky and said:
"All the houses in the world belong to me!"
The Seth said: "Maharaj! You must be joking! I have a sale deed to show that all these houses are mine.!
And Shri Nathji said: "If a piece of paper is all that you want I can bring a piece of paper saying that all the houses in the world are mine!"
The Seth said: " But I have proof. All the people living in these houses are my tenants!"
Shri Nathji said: "I can also say that all the people living in the world are my tenants!"
Seth: "But I can prove my ownership by evicting them!"
Shri Nathji: "You will evict them only when they are disagreeable to you, is that not so? All my tenants are agreeable to me so I have no need to evict them to prove my ownership!"
Then Shri Nathji said: "Sethji! Which of these houses is your home?"
Seth: "That 20 roomed house there!"
HH Shri Bhola Nathji: "Do you live in all the 20 rooms at the same time?"
Shri Nathji added: "No you can live in only one room at one time. How much space can you occupy in it? The space of the width of your feet and your height and your width ."
"More than that you cannot get! And less than that you cannot take!"
"O Seth! More than that no man on earth can get and less than that no one gets!"
"So, standing here and occupying the same amount of space as the width of my feet and my height and width-- I can also say that all the houses in the world belong to me!"
The Seth found Shri Nathji's logic stunning and profound. A new world had opened up for him with Shri Nathji as the landlord!

May be an image of 1 person

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