Sunday, 23 May 2021



From the pen of a Great Spiritual Luminary of our times, His Holiness, Shri Bhola Nathji Maharaj, who gave peace to countless souls reliEving them of their ills and sorrows and who still guides us and blesses us from His Celestial Abode in the Heavens
HH Shri Bhola Nathji would often say in Persian:
"Nami goyam ke too az duniyaa judaa baash,
Ba har kaare ke baashi ba Khudaa baash"
" I do not say that you must leave the world,
But no matter what you do in the world, keep God with you."
This has a very deep meaning and mankind could find salvation in these two lines above.
When you do your works in the world keeping God with you, here are the benefits you derive:
1. You will never do anything wrong or sinful knowing that God is watching you.
2. You will never be afraid of anything because you know that God is All Powerful and with you to protect you.
3.You will never be in need or want because the provider of all the wealth in the world is with you to provide for you.
4. You will never be afraid of troubles because you know they cannot come against God;s Will, and if they have come in accordance with God's Will then they must be for your betterment, materially and spiritually.
5. You will be free of hatred and violence and jealousy and greed because you know God is All Love, and He will give you what you want even without your asking. You will then love even your enemies and atheists knowing them to be God's Creation.
6. This entire world with its conflicts and joys, its sorrows and worries will disappear, because you will see them as as part of the Drama of God being enacted for your upliftment in this world and more importantly in the next world to come.
7. You will cease to be afraid of Death as you will see in it a Union of the God with whom you have lived all your life, and with whom you will spend the rest of eternity.
8. You will not grieve over those who have gone, because death is inevitable, and you will know that if they have lived and died with God then they have attained salvation.
9 And whenever you find your faith in God weakening for any reason you will find the Glory of the Face of HH Shri Bhola Nathji guiding you and helping you along the way, like a Father taking his child along by his finger.
10. And in the ultimate union with God you will discover that HH Shri Bhola Nathji was none other than God Himself.

May be an image of 1 person

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