From the thoughts of HH Shri Bhola Nathji, a Great Spiritual Luminary of our times, who gave peace and beatitude to countless folk during his lifetime, relieving them of their ills and sorrows and whose blessings still rain down upon us from His Celestial Abode in the Heavens.
A philosopher once asked HH Shri Bhola Nathji:
"Why has God created such an imperfect world?"
And Shri Nathji replied: "So that something could be left to you to make it more perfect!"
1 Misery has been created to awaken the soul from a false feeling of happiness and satisfaction in the world-- which will lead the soul to think that this world itself is a place of salvation, or moksh.
2. Misery awakens one to God, who man would otherwise forget in the temporary joys of the world.
3, Whenever you get too much happiness in the world some sorrow strikes you to take away your happiness. You may have experienced this almost every day in your life.
4.This is the Law of Nature working, Kudrate Kaamla, whose duty it is to awaken the soul of man and draw it close to God.
5. Whenever you lose anything or anyone precious to you in life, your first cry is " O God!"
6. Your heart calls out to the very God you had forgotten in your artificial happiness.
7. If there were no misery in the world it would not be necessary for so many saints, sages, prophets, messiahs and Avatars to come into the world to awaken mankind to the next world and next life, moksh and salvation, to tell them of heaven and hell as the reward of their actions on earth.
8. If there were no misery in the world science would not have made so much progress in alleviating the ills and sorrows of man to the best of its ability. The advance of science would stop.
9. Misery comes from attachment to the things and people of the world all of which go, one by one, and tells you that permanent happiness does not lie in a perishable world.
10. Yes, the saints, sages and prophets and Avatars allow misery to come upon their own bodies as well-- to show the world how to pass through misery with a smiling face and a fearless heart.Herein lies the true essence of spirituality.

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