From the parables of HH Shri Bhola Nathji, the Great Spiritual Luminary who gave peace and beatitude to countless souls during his lifetime relieving them of their ills and sorrows, and whose words and blessings shower down upon humanity from His Celestial Plane above all the time .
People complain to God that he does not listen to them, and God complains to man that the voice of man does not even reach Him.
There are times when God has come and knocked on the door of your heart and not finding you home, gone away with disappointment. Yes, your heart was out hunting for the desires of the world.
There was a man who took a vow to not to eat food himself until he had fed a poor man first thing in the morning.
So every morning he would go out of his house and seek some poor man on the streets and feed him, and then he would come home and eat himself.
One day he could find no poor man in the streets or anyone who wanted his food. He searched from morning till night, until he almost fell down with exhaustion.
He returned home dejected and severely disappointed with himself that he had not met a single poor man who he could feed, and he took an oath right there and then that he would die rather than eat a morsel of food himself.
Just then there was a knock on his door. He went and opened it. And sure enough there was a poor man in rags with a begging bowl in his hand!
The man was overwhelmed at the coming of the poor man, and fed him to the best of his ability, and then later went and ate himself. He realised soon enough that the poor man had come to save his life.
It was no poor man, it was God in the guise of a beggar come to save him from death.
So the next time you see a poor man, it might just be God come to save you by asking you for something for himself.
"Raihmate Haq Bahaa nami joyad
Raihmate Haq bahaa-naa mi joyad
The Grace of God does not seek a price,
The Grace of God seeks an excuse to come to you"

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