The year was 1939 and it was the 7th of May. The entire city of Lahore was agog with the news that HH Shri Bhola Nathji was getting married.
He was the most beautiful being ever seen by anyone in this world and was considered by many to be God Incarnate himself.
The Divine Love and Compassion that exuded from his personality brought tears into the eyes of even those who saw him for the first time in their lives. Multitudes had flocked to him and received peace and beatitude in a miraculous moment, their sorrows and sufferings disappearing in an instant. He called himself in all humility:
At first he had refused the idea of marriage but, then, bowing to the wishes of his Revered Father, HH Shri Babaji Maharaj, or Shri Devi Das Mehta, he had agreed.
The Lucky Lady was Savitri Devi, the daughter of the Legal Adviser of the Punjab National Bank in India, Lala Hargopal Khanna, who was a famed senior lawyer of the city, and indeed well-known in the country.
The Day was May 7th, and Shri Nathji's baraat, the procession of the bridegroom was on the way to the bride's home for the marriage ceremony. There was Shri Babaji Maharaj in a pink turban and many relatives and devotees, walking alongside.
Shri Nathji was astride the bridal mare, in his regalia, dressed as a bridegroom, looking so astonishingly and divinely handsome that many swooned at the sight of him.
Very soon the procession was joined by shopkeepers who simply came out of their shops and began walking alongside. There were many faqueers in their weird dresses and long hair, mahatmas of various degrees, holy men, the rich and the poor, who were intermingled with the crowd, which had swelled to about 5000 uninvited persons though initially it had begun with only 500 people.
As the procession wound its way along the roads of Lahore, an arrogant Britisher tried to force his way through the crowd by driving his car and angrily blowing on the horn of his car.
A few yards later, and the engine of his car was stalled and he stood by the wayside bewildered. He looked at Shri Nathji on the bridal mare and said: "I salute the being on the horse!"
At the Bride's place there was panic when they heard that about 5000 people were coming. They had made arrangement for only 500 people. Cooks had been called from Kashmir.
The father of the bride, Lala Hargopal Khanna, went to his daughter and said:
"Shri Babaji Maharaj had made only one condition with us -- that none of the persons of the baraat should be dissatisfied! Now how are we going to feed so many people?"
Savitri Devi, who had intense faith and devotion in HH Shri Nathji and believed him to be God, said to her father:
"O Dear Father! please dont be despondent! Go to the kitchen and place Shri Nathji's photograph there!"
He did that. And a great miracle occurred. The 5000 persons were fed with ease. The food had appeared to multiply miraculously.
The bridesmaids of Savitri Devi, were almost in a state of swoon, as they came to Savitri Devi and said:
"O Savitri! Your bridegroom is SO handsome!"
And so the marriage took place amidst the greatest joy and happiness ever experienced by the people there. It was truly a Divine Union of Divine Souls. A day the people of Lahore were never going to forget.
(This was at a time when Lahore was in India. Pakistan had not yet come into existence.)

The year was 1939 and it was the 7th of May. The entire city of Lahore was agog with the news that HH Shri Bhola Nathji was getting married.
He was the most beautiful being ever seen by anyone in this world and was considered by many to be God Incarnate himself.
The Divine Love and Compassion that exuded from his personality brought tears into the eyes of even those who saw him for the first time in their lives. Multitudes had flocked to him and received peace and beatitude in a miraculous moment, their sorrows and sufferings disappearing in an instant. He called himself in all humility:
At first he had refused the idea of marriage but, then, bowing to the wishes of his Revered Father, HH Shri Babaji Maharaj, or Shri Devi Das Mehta, he had agreed.
The Lucky Lady was Savitri Devi, the daughter of the Legal Adviser of the Punjab National Bank in India, Lala Hargopal Khanna, who was a famed senior lawyer of the city, and indeed well-known in the country.
The Day was May 7th, and Shri Nathji's baraat, the procession of the bridegroom was on the way to the bride's home for the marriage ceremony. There was Shri Babaji Maharaj in a pink turban and many relatives and devotees, walking alongside.
Shri Nathji was astride the bridal mare, in his regalia, dressed as a bridegroom, looking so astonishingly and divinely handsome that many swooned at the sight of him.
Very soon the procession was joined by shopkeepers who simply came out of their shops and began walking alongside. There were many faqueers in their weird dresses and long hair, mahatmas of various degrees, holy men, the rich and the poor, who were intermingled with the crowd, which had swelled to about 5000 uninvited persons though initially it had begun with only 500 people.
As the procession wound its way along the roads of Lahore, an arrogant Britisher tried to force his way through the crowd by driving his car and angrily blowing on the horn of his car.
A few yards later, and the engine of his car was stalled and he stood by the wayside bewildered. He looked at Shri Nathji on the bridal mare and said: "I salute the being on the horse!"
At the Bride's place there was panic when they heard that about 5000 people were coming. They had made arrangement for only 500 people. Cooks had been called from Kashmir.
The father of the bride, Lala Hargopal Khanna, went to his daughter and said:
"Shri Babaji Maharaj had made only one condition with us -- that none of the persons of the baraat should be dissatisfied! Now how are we going to feed so many people?"
Savitri Devi, who had intense faith and devotion in HH Shri Nathji and believed him to be God, said to her father:
"O Dear Father! please dont be despondent! Go to the kitchen and place Shri Nathji's photograph there!"
He did that. And a great miracle occurred. The 5000 persons were fed with ease. The food had appeared to multiply miraculously.
The bridesmaids of Savitri Devi, were almost in a state of swoon, as they came to Savitri Devi and said:
"O Savitri! Your bridegroom is SO handsome!"
And so the marriage took place amidst the greatest joy and happiness ever experienced by the people there. It was truly a Divine Union of Divine Souls. A day the people of Lahore were never going to forget.
(This was at a time when Lahore was in India. Pakistan had not yet come into existence.)

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