Here are the Lyrics of a Song written in Urdu, known as a Ghazal, by HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) a Great Spiritual Luminary of His time, who gave peace and beatitude to countless folk during his life-time, relieving them of their
ills and sorrows, and brought home the Secrets of Life in a simple way.
Here are the Lyrics of a Song written in Urdu, known as a Ghazal, by HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) a Great Spiritual Luminary of His time, who gave peace and beatitude to countless folk during his life-time, relieving them of their
ills and sorrows, and brought home the Secrets of Life in a simple way.
Although not a song-writer, yet he wrote over 30,000 Urdu Poems when he
was between the ages of 80-90. His handwriting was so unbelievably
beautiful and steady that it was impossible to believe it was the
writing of someone that age. Sometimes he would go on writing for over
20 hours, till the early hours of the morning. These were in fact divine
Here is a Ghazal he wrote on the 5th of November 1987, and which I put to music at that time. Although the recording has lost much of its clarity as it was preserved on audio tape, yet I believe that I have been able to capture some of the feelings which accompanied it.
The Ghazal begins with an "Aalaap" which is an improvisation over the notes of the song to come, and which sets the mood for the song to follow.
If this world is a journey then thy home must lie somewhere,
In some World Unknown, yes, that is where thy home lies
If Thou has not attained God, then indeed what hast thou achieved in this world,
Everything else, other than Him, is nothing but a fall.
In the darkness of the night, there are many dreams of the world,
But when the eyes open, what kind of a world will they see?
Why is the time of life so fleeting and so short?
If only thou could understand this, then indeed thou would know the Real Secret of Life.
Look at the tremor and turmoil of the bubble in this world,
In one moment it rises high and in the next instant it bursts and is gone.
Safar hai zindagaani ye to ghar teraa kahaan hogaa
Jahaane ghaib ke andar vahaan teraa makaan hogaa
Na samjhaa gar usse too phir to samjhaa kyaa yahaan aakar
Har ik shai ghaire Ou jo hai vohi teraa ziyaan hogaa
Shabe tareek ke andar jahaane khaab aate hain
Magar iss chashme vaa ke saamne kaisaa jahaan hogaa
Ye vakte zindagaani ik tassalsul aur kam kyon hai
Isse gar too samajh paayaa to phir too raazdaan hogaa
Hubaabe baihar ki sarmastiyaan dekho zamaane men,
Idhar umraa huaa jo hai udhar phir vo nihaan hogaa
The Servant of the Earth
(Please click here to listen to this song sung by Priya Nathji)
Here is a Ghazal he wrote on the 5th of November 1987, and which I put to music at that time. Although the recording has lost much of its clarity as it was preserved on audio tape, yet I believe that I have been able to capture some of the feelings which accompanied it.
The Ghazal begins with an "Aalaap" which is an improvisation over the notes of the song to come, and which sets the mood for the song to follow.
If this world is a journey then thy home must lie somewhere,
In some World Unknown, yes, that is where thy home lies
If Thou has not attained God, then indeed what hast thou achieved in this world,
Everything else, other than Him, is nothing but a fall.
In the darkness of the night, there are many dreams of the world,
But when the eyes open, what kind of a world will they see?
Why is the time of life so fleeting and so short?
If only thou could understand this, then indeed thou would know the Real Secret of Life.
Look at the tremor and turmoil of the bubble in this world,
In one moment it rises high and in the next instant it bursts and is gone.
Safar hai zindagaani ye to ghar teraa kahaan hogaa
Jahaane ghaib ke andar vahaan teraa makaan hogaa
Na samjhaa gar usse too phir to samjhaa kyaa yahaan aakar
Har ik shai ghaire Ou jo hai vohi teraa ziyaan hogaa
Shabe tareek ke andar jahaane khaab aate hain
Magar iss chashme vaa ke saamne kaisaa jahaan hogaa
Ye vakte zindagaani ik tassalsul aur kam kyon hai
Isse gar too samajh paayaa to phir too raazdaan hogaa
Hubaabe baihar ki sarmastiyaan dekho zamaane men,
Idhar umraa huaa jo hai udhar phir vo nihaan hogaa
The Servant of the Earth
(Please click here to listen to this song sung by Priya Nathji)

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