From the thoughts of my Father HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992)
a Great Spiritual Luminary of his time.

We have come into this world and it is for us to ask ourselves these questions and try to answer them:
Q: Why have we come into this world?
A: We dont know.
Q: For how long are we going to stay here?
A: We dont know.
Q: Where will we go after death?
A: We dont know.
A Short answer would be:
"We have come into this world only to go away!"
If we saw a train before us and we were to ask the train conductor:
Q: Where does this train go?
A: I dont know.
Q: For how long will the journey last?
A: I dont know.
Q: Where is the train going?
A: I dont know.
Would you board such a train even if it were offered free of charge?
Are these not vital questions for which we must seek an answer before it is too late?
Time is flying past. Childhood is changing into youth, and youth into middle age and middle age into old age -- and there is Death staring at us with its mouth open.
All our time and energy is consumed in worldly pursuits which we must all leave at the time of Death, and by the time these questions come to our mind it is too late to find an answer.
Sadly, few parents teach their children of the importance of these questions and finding answers to them. On the contrary the parents are so engrossed in the materialistic rat race of the world that they unwittingly push their own children into this rat race.
Achievement, Success, status are all that matter, and are the only goals in life that the children see before them, and which they will teach to the children that come after them.
From time to time, saints, sages, holy men,prophets, avatars, messiahs, have come into this world and have tried to tell us that this world is a temporary place of stay, a place where we must find God and Love and Peace, and an entry into Heaven.
But have their voices been heeded? Or are we still going to be in the rat race till the time it is snatched away from us by the cruel hands of Death?
How sad, indeed, if we must leave behind everything we have earned on this earth and leave this world with empty hands and no earnings for the world to come!
From the thoughts of my Father HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992)
a Great Spiritual Luminary of his time.

We have come into this world and it is for us to ask ourselves these questions and try to answer them:
Q: Why have we come into this world?
A: We dont know.
Q: For how long are we going to stay here?
A: We dont know.
Q: Where will we go after death?
A: We dont know.
A Short answer would be:
"We have come into this world only to go away!"
If we saw a train before us and we were to ask the train conductor:
Q: Where does this train go?
A: I dont know.
Q: For how long will the journey last?
A: I dont know.
Q: Where is the train going?
A: I dont know.
Would you board such a train even if it were offered free of charge?
Are these not vital questions for which we must seek an answer before it is too late?
Time is flying past. Childhood is changing into youth, and youth into middle age and middle age into old age -- and there is Death staring at us with its mouth open.
All our time and energy is consumed in worldly pursuits which we must all leave at the time of Death, and by the time these questions come to our mind it is too late to find an answer.
Sadly, few parents teach their children of the importance of these questions and finding answers to them. On the contrary the parents are so engrossed in the materialistic rat race of the world that they unwittingly push their own children into this rat race.
Achievement, Success, status are all that matter, and are the only goals in life that the children see before them, and which they will teach to the children that come after them.
From time to time, saints, sages, holy men,prophets, avatars, messiahs, have come into this world and have tried to tell us that this world is a temporary place of stay, a place where we must find God and Love and Peace, and an entry into Heaven.
But have their voices been heeded? Or are we still going to be in the rat race till the time it is snatched away from us by the cruel hands of Death?
How sad, indeed, if we must leave behind everything we have earned on this earth and leave this world with empty hands and no earnings for the world to come!
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