The going away from this world of even one person in this world, proves to us the fact that each one of us must go.
What we call History is in fact the names of the millions and billions who came into this world and went away.
The going away from this world of even one person in this world, proves to us the fact that each one of us must go.
What we call History is in fact the names of the millions and billions who came into this world and went away.
So why do we think we are the only ones who are immortal and eternal and will never leave the world?
Why do we never believe that our stay upon this planet earth is only temporary?
That every second of the clock that ticks away draws us a second closer to Death?
What is Life? That which must go.
And what is Death? That which must come.
And yet there is this rat race for material success, more and more wealth, more and more of status, more and more of everything. And with what purpose? Just to leave everything behind?
If you are in a train you never think of possessing the seats and fans of the compartment, because you know you are going to get off. The train means very little to you. The destination is everything.
What a strange journey is this journey of life where people are busying themselves in gathering whatever they can inside the train only to get off or be thrown off the train one day.
If people would only truly and really come to understand that this life is a TEMPORARY SOJOURN, their entire attitude towards living would change.
They would realize that the world of matter around them is something they will have to leave behind-- but what have they earned for the world to come?
Has the brain of man become so dehumanized that it can think only in terms of material success?
What has become of the values of Love, Compassion, Helpfulness, Humility, Kindness, Goodness, Righteousness, Forgiveness?
Do we really Believe in God and His Kingdom to come, or is all belief and worship for our own convenience?
Whenever we are in need or in trouble we call out to Him and whenever life is going smoothly we forget Him. Indeed this is the state of many believers in the world.
And then people complain that He does not answer prayers. Let them ask themselves: "Should He?"
We forget that time is flying past rapidly and the end may come at any time, any moment.
In the words of the Poet, Omar Khayyam:
"Time flies, one thing is certain,
And the rest is lies,
The flower that once didst bloom,
Forever dies"
Why do we never believe that our stay upon this planet earth is only temporary?
That every second of the clock that ticks away draws us a second closer to Death?
What is Life? That which must go.
And what is Death? That which must come.
And yet there is this rat race for material success, more and more wealth, more and more of status, more and more of everything. And with what purpose? Just to leave everything behind?
If you are in a train you never think of possessing the seats and fans of the compartment, because you know you are going to get off. The train means very little to you. The destination is everything.
What a strange journey is this journey of life where people are busying themselves in gathering whatever they can inside the train only to get off or be thrown off the train one day.
If people would only truly and really come to understand that this life is a TEMPORARY SOJOURN, their entire attitude towards living would change.
They would realize that the world of matter around them is something they will have to leave behind-- but what have they earned for the world to come?
Has the brain of man become so dehumanized that it can think only in terms of material success?
What has become of the values of Love, Compassion, Helpfulness, Humility, Kindness, Goodness, Righteousness, Forgiveness?
Do we really Believe in God and His Kingdom to come, or is all belief and worship for our own convenience?
Whenever we are in need or in trouble we call out to Him and whenever life is going smoothly we forget Him. Indeed this is the state of many believers in the world.
And then people complain that He does not answer prayers. Let them ask themselves: "Should He?"
We forget that time is flying past rapidly and the end may come at any time, any moment.
In the words of the Poet, Omar Khayyam:
"Time flies, one thing is certain,
And the rest is lies,
The flower that once didst bloom,
Forever dies"
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