Friday, 9 June 2017


From the memoirs of my father, HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992)
a Great Spiritual Luminary of His time. He was popularly known as
HH Shri Nathji.
Shri Nathji’s book, “The Rays of Light”, was sent by Ram Ratan Khanna, Registrar of the Lucknow University, to the Library of Congress in Washington D.C., America. The year was 1934.
Lying amongst hundreds and thousands of books, its unusual orange cover caught the eye of a lady, Emma E. Ploner. She opened the book and saw the photograph of Shri Nathji inside.
Her heart was at once attracted by the holiness with which the picture was endowed. She took the book and read it. A spiritual transformation came over her, as if she had awakened to a new world containing a living Master.
She was a member of the Rosicrucian sect. In Shri Nathji's writings, her heart found what it had been searching for. It was as if the highest of spiritual truths propounded by her own sect had come alive. Shri Nathji's teachings were so universal in nature
that everyone found his own within them. His writings touched the very heart and soul of Emma E. Ploner.
She wrote a letter to Shri Nathji, and, much to her great delight, received a reply.
She wanted to come to India to meet Shri Nathji and she set out on the long journey by ship. But Shri Nathji had ordained otherwise. Due to the impending war, the ship carrying Emma turned back.
Emma was disconsolate. The desire to see Shri Nathji had become very intense in her heart. It was a desire that had to find fulfilment.
One morning, Emma came out of her house into the garden. Much to her great astonishment, she saw Shri Nathji sitting on the garden chair outside, looking at her and smiling. He was dressed in a turban, a long sherwaani, and chooridars. The divine bliss that filled her heart and soul at the sight was something that was to remain with her for the rest of her life.
She ran inside to put on a better dress to welcome the dignified visitor. When she cameout of the house again, Shri Nathji was gone!
It was neither a dream nor a vision. It was the living presence of Shri Nathji.
For a moment, Emma had thought Shri Nathji had arrived at her house from India. But upon looking around, she soon became convinced that Shri Nathji had, in some mysterious manner, fulfilled her desire for seeing him, reaching out to her from across the oceans.
Shri Nathji had often said:
"Every intense desire must find fulfillment."
Emma wrote to Shri Nathji and asked him why he had appeared before her so suddenly and
then disappeared.
Shri Nathji replied:
"I appeared before you in America to let you know that I was always with you, and I disappeared only because I had entered your heart."
Shri Nathji made a mistake in spelling the name of Emma. He spelt it as Ema, omitting one 'm'. Far from correcting Shri Nathji, Emma immediately changed her name to Ema. Her friends and relatives were surprised.
Her reply was:
"I had been spelling my name wrongly all these years. My master has corrected me."
A deep spiritual bond was established.
For Ema, Shri Nathji was an incarnation of the divine. It was a realisation that came to her from within.
One of the letters from Emma to HH Shri Nathji is shown below:
"Washington D.C.
Sept. 3, 1934.
I am honoured that you have written a personal letter to me and also sent me excerpts from your teachings and philosophy. Your teachings are very similar to what we get in
our Rosicrucian Brother-hood. I like your definition of Impurities.
One of the Supreme Commands of Lord Jesus was: "Love ye one another."I do not know how to thank you for all your kind words and your prayers and wishes. I can only show my appreciation by doing what I can, to make Divine Love known.
Zarathrustra (Zoroaster) is one whom I greatly loved. I also have great love for Buddha, and Lord Krishna and Confucius. I have read all their lives. None but the God of my heart knows how I love Great Souls, and so I love you greatly, FOR YOU ARE ONE OF
One pays homage to God by living the Godly life. But how does one pay homage to a Master of Divine Love?
You represent to me ALL THAT IS DIVINE IN MAN. Words are so futile when one wishes to express what lies deep in one's heart. And for the Divine Love you have given me, I live a better and purer life.
Yours Sister in Truth,
Ema Ploner "

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