Saturday, 10 June 2017


From the Thoughts of HH Shri Bhola Nathji (1902-1992) a Great Spiritual Luminary of His time, whose words still bring peace and solace and consolation to humanity revealing the Secrets of Life.
This life is one of the most precious gifts given to you by God. It will not come again, so each and every moment of life is very precious.
Those who believe this life is the only one, and after this life comes either Heaven or Hell, have all the reason to be more cautious.
Those who believe in re-incarnation must remember that they will never again be what they are today in this life. So think of this life as the only one in which you have this identity, a unique identity of your own which will never return. Who knows what you might be in the next life to come?
So think of this life as the one and only life you will ever have.
And think of everything in this life as a gift from God--your parents, your body, your family, your mind and intellect, your education, the free time you possess etc.
Out of these, time is the most precious and most fleeting. The past is gone, the future has not come and you have only this moment of the present with yourself-- a moment which passes no sooner than it comes.
Even before you finish saying: "This is the present!" it has become the past.
"O Man! Thou hast come into this world like a flash of lightning,
Beware lest transient life deceive thee!"
What do the religions of the world say? Religion is a science of its own, based on the experiences of its founders, people who have experimented with, and understood, truths of life which they place before humanity. It is as real as Science itself.
Hinduism says: "Athhaa to Brahm Jigyaasaa!"
"Evolve a Desire for God!"
Christianity says: "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you!"
Islam says: "Justajoo kun justajoo kun justajoo!"
"Seek Him! Seek Him and Seek Him!"
The Materialists say: "Eat, Drink and be Merry, for tomorrow you die!" Selfishness lies at the core of materialism by itself, without God.
Eat, drink and be merry is alright-- but for how long? The same legs, seen dancing in dance halls, become so feeble that they cannot even walk one day. All the faculties of your body decay, your eyes, ears, and brain decay, as you are gradually and relentlessly driven towards death.
If you have been given this precious gift of life and not found God then everything else is secondary, and may even be meaningless.
Finding God also means finding Love, Peace and Righteousness, making this world a better place to live in, for yourself as well as for others, helping as many as you can with your love and compassion, keeping God within your heart all the time so that you can never go wrong.
When you go to the next world, the first question you will be asked before admission will be: "What did you do with your life?"
Your worldly status, wealth, relatives etc., etc.,and indeed whatever else you owned in life including your worldly knowledge and certificates, will be of no use to you if you have not found God-- the purpose for which you were given all the precious moments of life.
This life is like a College. Either you pass out with flying colors or else fail.....and it is all in your hands, in that one precious moment of life you call the "present".

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