From HH Shri Bhola Nathji () a great spiritual luminary of His time who gave peace and beatitude to countless souls and relieved them of their ills and sorrows and who was the Founder of the World Prayer Day for Peace.
Today is the beginning of a New Year. We have with us the remembrance of the days gone by, and before us, the years to come. And we can only wait and hope. The good deeds that have been left undone must now be completed; the bad deeds, that we have been in the habit of doing, must now be renounced.
The eyes that have opened to the light of the sun must see not only this Universe but also that vast ocean in which it exists like a tiny bubble, trembling, ever trembling, with a fearful consciousness of its own doom.
We must relinquish hold of pride, and with the beginning of this Near Year, bow our heads before the Creator.
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