by HH Shri Bhola Nathji () Great Spiritual Luminary of his time who gave peace and beatitude to countless souls relieving them of their ills and sorrows.
2nd January
This is the second day of this month. “One” adds itself to “one” to form “two”. The leaves, the thorns, the flowers, all spring forth from the same seed.
Every atom in the Universe seems to say, “I exist,” and this, too, is the voice of the Universe itself.
All diversity in the world is only apparent. If we look into the core of things we find Unity everywhere.
All are different manifestations of some one form.
The millions of drops of water that go to form the ocean regard one another not as separate entities, but as parts of that same form – the ocean.
In this thought all the differences of the world can cease to exist; every creature can look upon the existence of another as his own. Thus, alone, can there be love and peace.
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